
NicoriLightToursアーティスト写真_集合 【Vkei-News】Nicori Light Tours will leave agency and vocalist ko-hei to leave the band at the end of January 2024
NicoriLightToursアーティスト写真_集合 【Vkei-News】Nicori Light Tours One-man live tour to be held in January 2024!
NicoriLightTours_メインアーティスト写真_小 【Vkei-News】Nicori Light Tours announces the release of 1st Full Album “II – Parallel” and one-man live tour!
NicoriLightTours_メインアーティスト写真_小 【Vkei-News】Nicori Light Tours 2nd of 7 consecutive monthly NFT distribution “Welcome to the Destiny” pre-sale 50 items to be released on April 15!
NicoriLightTours_メインアーティスト写真_小 【Vkei-News】Nicori Light Tours first of seven consecutive months of distribution releases “DATSU!!!”,will be sold as NFT on 3/15 !