SE 『PANDEMIC HAZARD』 started and the whole venue was painted in red light.
The letters of “13” in their band logo “The THIRTEEN” displayed at the back of stage were spookily silhouetted and instantly invited the audience to the world of The THIRTEEN.
The floor was fully filled to capacity although the gig was on a weekday. Once the audience began clapping to the beat, the band members finally stepped onto the stage then bombarded the venue aggressively right from the start with 『cockroach』 and 『CHAINSAW』.
「Everybody clap!」- shouted Mao (Vo). The audience were jumping to the beat of the rhythmical 『LIAR.LIAR.』twirling their metalic hand signs. The laser light was beaming on the floor as if stirring up the crowd and turning the space into another world. 「Sing!」- dancing Mao was urging the audience and made them all sang 「wowow-」; the members and the audience were already bringing about the strong unity between them. In 『FRIDAY NIGHTMARE』, where kazu (Support Ba)’s edgy low bass stood out, Mizuki (Gt) was playing the guitar sexily with shaking his hips and enchanted the crowd.
(SEのPANDEMIC HAZARDが流れると共に赤いライトで会場は染め上げられた。
ステージ奥に掲げられている”The THIRTEEN”の13の文字がボウっと怪しく浮かび上がり、オーディエンスを一気にその世界観へ引き寄せる。
平日にも関わらず隙間なく埋めつくされた客席から手拍子が巻き起こると、メンバーが登場。1曲目『cockroach』、2曲目『CHAINSAW』で会場を初っ端から攻め倒す。「Everybody clap!」と叫ぶ真緒(Vo)。リズミカルな『LIAR.LIAR.』に合わせメタリックサインを回しながらジャンプする客席。挑発する様に放たれたレーザー光線が会場の空間を異世界に作り上げていた。踊る真緒に「歌え!」と煽られると「wowow-」と全員が歌い早速の一体感。エッジの効いたkazu(サポートBa)の低音が特徴の『FRIDAY NIGHTMARE』では腰を回しながらセクシーに弾く美月(Gt)に魅了される場面も。)
「Welcome to the Tour Final! I would like to make it the very best live so please team up!」 – said Mao.
After a short greeting, 『13’s BLOOD』 was thundered out then continued to 『PHANTOM PAIN』and 『犯行声明 (Hankou Seimei)』, which caused a spectacular view of “gyaku-dive” and a storm of headbanging. In the 8th song 『Jesus Christ’s confession』, hefty waves of headbanging were washing against the stage in response to Mao’s rugged shout. They were adding more and more aggressiveness and never giving any breaks to the audience. Mizuki was asking 「Can you still do more~?」, but the crowd’s vigour seemed totally inexhaustible. Along with the counterattacking audience who were dashing their excitement to the stage, they smashed to the 9th tune 『BASTARD』.
(「Tour Finalへようこそ!1番最高のライブにしたいのでよろしくお願いします!」- 真緒。
挨拶もほどほどに、『13’s BLOOD』をドカンと響かせると、続けて『PHANTOM PAIN』、『犯行声明』と逆ダイ、ヘドバンの嵐を巻き起こした。8曲目『Jesus Christ’s confession』では真緒の厳ついシャウトと共に重々しいヘドバンの波が客席からステージへ押し寄せた。激しさを増す一方で休む間も与えない。美月が「いける〜?」と伺いをたてるも、客席の勢いも衰え知らずだ。興奮をぶつけ返す客席と共に9曲目『BASTARD』まで突き抜けてみせた。)
The 10th song was their new track『Retro (TBD)』. Mao was singing 「La ta ta -」, stepping to the rhythmical music and swinging around a towel in the air. Another new track 『Jump (TBD)』 fascinated the audience with its fresh taste, yet it still had their traditional “The THIRTEEN” sound. Ryo (Support Dr)’s rhythmical drumming which vibrated though the venue was impressive in this tune.
「Hey! x4」 – Mao mischievously provoked the audience. 「Put your both hands up! Just like a fool! Can you be crazy?! This is where you become stupid! Alright!!」 – shouted Mao then launched the 12th song 『STUPID』 and 『KAMIKAZE』. They turned the floor to be a tempest of raging headbanging, moshing and the crowd was swinging up their fists into the air. The whole audience screamed 「KA・MI・KA・ZE BLAST!!」 altogether towards Mao who was putting his fist up high – this sensational scene excited and dazzled every one of the individuals who were being there.
Immediately the distorted bass sound changed the atmosphere and hit the crowd with 『MR. BRAVEMAN』. The 15th song 『starry night』 heated the air up again and indeed filled the venue with the swelling enthusiasm. The final song 『Abnormal Bullets』 relentlessly attacked the audience and the main show was concluded aggressively.
(10曲目では新曲『Retro(仮)』披露。タオルを振り回し、「ラッタッター」とリズミカルにステップを踏みながら歌う真緒。全身に響くリズミカルなRyo(サポートDr)のドラム音が印象的なもう一つの新曲『Jump(仮)』ではthe THIRTEENらしさを兼ね備えるも爽やかなサウンドで魅了させた。
「Hey!×4」と悪戯めかしく煽り出す真緒。「両手上げて!バカ丸出し!バカになれるか?!ここはバカになるところです!よろしく!!」と叫ぶと後半12曲目『STUPID』と『KAMIKAZE』をぶちかます。ヘドバン、モッシュ、拳の嵐を巻き起こし、お立ち台で拳を掲げ上げる真緒に向かい「KA・MI・KA・ZE BLAST!!」と客席が一体となって叫んだその光景は、会場全てのオーディエンスを刺激し圧巻させた。
歪みの効いたベース音がガラッと雰囲気を一変させ『MR. BRAVEMAN』が更なる刺激を与える。15曲目『starry night』で再びヒートアップを迎え湧き上がる感情が発散された会場はまさに熱気で満たされた。ラストは『Abnormal Bullets』でこれでもかと攻撃的に会場を畳みかけ、激しい締めくくりとなった。)
Mao and Mizuki returned to the stage in their tour T-shirts. 「These 13 gigs went quite fast. Feel like this is not enough. 」 – they were telling their feelings about the tour then started a topic that recent young bands do not hold the “end of tour drinks”. 「They just take selfie and upload on Instagram, that’s all they do. (laugh)」 – made the crowd laugh. They continued to talk about those social media that they still do not know how to use Twitter or Instagram; then strayed to the topic that they were the ‘pager’ generation. Amused the audience with their joyful chat in comical Kansai way of speaking.
kazu appeared in the tour hoodie with “producer-maki” fashion (slipping on the parka on the shoulder and tying the sleeves in front on the chest); it made the audience burst into laughter. Suddenly the laser beam started spelling out “Happy Birthday” and made kazu surprised by bringing a cake and singing a birthday song. kazu received a present (a carton of cigarettes) but being asked 「You think that is everything, don’t you?」 – what a surprise, the cake stand was a speaker cabinet and it was the real present for him.
They revealed the story that the members actually wanted kazu to use the speaker cabinet at this tour but they still wanted to surprise him on this day so they kept in secret until then. This heart-warming moment showed how much kazu is loved by the members.
( アンコール: グッズのTシャツを着た真緒と美月が登場。「今回13本周ったのは早かった。足りない。」との感想に続き、最近のバンドは打ち上げをしないのだと話す2人。「自撮りしてインスタに上げて終わんねん。笑」と会場を笑わす。続いてInstagramやTwitterの使い方が解らないという話からポケベル世代という話で、関西人の2人らしい会話のリズムで更に会場の笑いを誘ってみせた。
kazuがグッズであるパーカーをプロデューサー巻きで登場すると更に笑いが巻き起こる。そして突如Happy Birthdayとレーザー光線で映し出され、バースデーソングと共にケーキが登場するサプライズが。プレゼント(タバコ1カートン)が渡され、受け取るkazuに「それだけやと思うやろ?」と、なんとケーキの台に見立てられたアンプ(キャビネット)が本当のプレゼントというWサプライズが贈られたのだ。
Then they started to play the first encore song 『CHAINSAW』 to recall the audience’s feverishness. Continued to 『LIAR.LIAR.』 and danced madly. 「Let’s be stupid! No, let’s just be an idiot!!」 – then triggered the aggressive headbanging tune 『STUPID』and burst to 『Abnormal Bullet』with the endless waves of agitation. 『KILLER MAY』 was the final song and its uplifting tune powerfully drew the show to a close.
(そしてアンコール1曲目『CHAINSAW』から再び一気に客席を沸かせると『LIAR.LIAR.』で踊り狂い、「バカになろうぜ!いや、アホになろうぜ!!」と一段と激しいヘドバン曲の『STUPID』、このまま鳴り止まないのではないかと思わせるように煽り倒された『Abnormal Bullets』と突っ走り、ラストは『KILLER MAY』で明るくパワフルに飾られ幕は閉じられた。)
There must be a place where we will reach in the end -
「We still have so much more things to do, but we will keep giving you an encouraging push. Let’s step forward together!」 – said Mao. The THIRTEEN will celebrate their 1 year anniversary in March 2017 so their one-man live show will take place on 20th March 2017 at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM. Please check out their future activities.
「まだまだやらなきゃいけない事あるけど、お前達の背中押すから。一緒に前に進んで行こうぜ!」と話した真緒。来年の3月で1周年を迎えるthe THIRTEEN。その1周年を記念して、2017年3月20日恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにてワンマンライブの開催が決定している。今度の更なる活躍に注目だ。)
Vo. Mao
Gt. Mizuki
Support Ba. kazu (ex. Kagerou)
Support Dr. Ryo (ex. Awoi)
1. cockroach
5. 13’s BLOOD
7. 犯行声明 (Hankou Seimei)
8. Jesus Christ’s confession
10. [New Song] Retro (TBD)
11. [New Song] Jump (TBD)
15. starry night
16. Abnormal Bullets
20. Abnormal Bullets
20 March 2017
The THIRTEEN 1st Anniversary live 2017 “ULTIMATE BURST”
[Open / Start] 17:00 / 18:00
[ADV / DAY] 4,800 yen (Beverage fees to be paid at the time of admission)
[Ticket Sale] General Ticket Sale: 15 Jan 2017
Text by Bambi
Translated by Kaoru Nagata