
【VG】 Live Report | –The Magic Theatre- May 21 

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Four unusual groups having a fusion of opera, musical, play, and action and rock gathered for the show called @-Live.015 –The Magic Theatre- held at Hatsudai DOORS on May 21, and each group entertained the audience with their original shows.

(5月21日、@-Live.015 –The Magic Theatre-と名付けられた初台DOORSで行われたイベントは、オペラ、ミュージカル、劇、アクションとロックの融合というかつてない異色の4グループの共演となり、それぞれがそれぞれのショー形式で会場を盛り上げた。)

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First, Denshokagekidan-Europa no Kiseki- appeared on the stage. The narration from Algos, a story teller, fired the audience’s imagination by making them feel they were watching an anime about daily life, and the music played by the members wearing gorgeous costumes from medieval Europe made the audience imagine a rock opera. Various songs from ghastly to cheery were included in harmony with the story led by the powerful drumming, and they showed the full impact of the staging.




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Secondly, Lacroix Despheres hit the scene with their unique style featuring oboe and flute. The story and the sights were shown on the big screen, and vocalist Sho and soprano Saya sang as if they were communicating with each other just like in a rock musical. The band expressed the story through gestures and moved from dramatic to gentle songs, singing and playing. In the end the venue was filled with a sense of accomplishment like the ending of a musical.

 (2番手はメンバーにオーボエとフルートがいる珍しい形式のLacroix Despheres。スクリーンを使用し、そのストーリーや情景を伝え、まるでロックミュージカルのようにヴォーカルShoとソプラノのSayaが会話をするかのように歌い上げていく。ドラマティックな曲から優しさのある曲まで、ジェスチャーやその動きで、歌い演奏しながらもそのストーリーを伝えていくと、ラストではミュージカルのエンディングのようにショーが終わる達成感のような空気に包まれた。)



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The third performer was , a musical theatrical group featuring a satire of modern society including some horror aspects, a strong contrast to the cute band name. The group showed a new style of show, representing the story of the main character who became a murderer through music, dance, and pantomime. They used messages like those written on convenient but problematic SNS such as Facebook, Twitter, and LINE on the screen with a theme, “daydream,” based on the story by Rampo Edogawa on that day. The audience stared at the stage as if they were drawn in by the story, wanting to see what was going to happen next, and the fans heated up, pumping their fists to up-tempo and heavy numbers.




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The last performer was NINJAMAN JAPAN. Two villains started the narration mixing an amusing story, and soon, five members of NINJAMAN JAPAN came on to the stage, and their music started just after they killed the villains with their splendid action. Sarino delivered his feelings through his appealing vocal performance, and Lida and DAISHI caught the fans’ eyes with their guitar battle of quick plays. Dewey’s drumming created various rhythms, and Metal made the fans dance with his bass groove. The members and the audience created the entertaining show by becoming one and defeating the villains together between the songs, and the show of rich variety ended up with a bright atmosphere.

(ラストに登場したのはNINJAMAN JAPAN。悪役2人が笑いを交えナレーションを始めるとNINJAMAN JAPANの5人が登場し、華麗なアクションで悪を倒すところからライブがスタート。Sarinoが訴え感のある歌い方で会場に思いを届けると、LidaとDAISHIのギター速弾き対決で会場の目を奪い、Deweyのドラムで様々なリズムを作り出し、メタルのベースのグルーヴで会場を踊らせた。途中会場全員で悪を倒すなどエンターテインメントに富んだステージングで会場が一体となってその日のライブが作り上げられ、明るい雰囲気でこのバラエティーに富んだショーが終えられた。)

TEXT: Chika Yoshizawa

PHOTO:Naomi Muraoka (伝承歌劇団Lacroix DespheresNINJAMAN JAPAN)

Band Official (ストロベリーソングオーケストラ)


Denshokagekidan-Europa no Kiseki- (伝承歌劇団~エウロパの軌跡~) (Special guest: Sachi Matsumoto (松本さち))

Story Live “Space Police Braver GX File:003” (スペースポリス ブレイバーGX File:003)

Sono Na ha Braver (その名はブレイバー)

Gekishin (激震)

Tsukikage no Shinen (月影の深淵)

Hikari Tsumugu Monotachi (光紡ぐ者たち)

Alpha to Omega

Flash on the Blade

Lacroix Despheres

Prologue (SE)

La vérité fermée

Antique Waltz (古のワルツ (Inst.))

The Eyes of Revelation (天啓の瞳)

Le Sortilege

Resurrection Symphony

Ad Astra

Symphonia ~The oath of silence~ (Symphonia〜静寂の誓い〜)

Strawberry Song Orchestra (ストロベリーソングオーケストラ)

Tokyo Grotesque (東京グロテスク)

Zoumotsu ni Jigsaw (臓物にジグソウ)

Fureta Maisouchuu, Dempa, Akamanto! (狂れた埋葬虫、電波、赤マント!)

No Cult≠ No Occult (ノーカルトノーオカルト)

Setsudan Dahlia (切断ダリア)


NINJAMAN JAPAN no Theme (ニンジャマンジャパンのテーマ)


Fly away

Kaze no Kanata he (風の彼方へ)

Hyakka Rambu (百花乱舞)

Aoi Tori (碧い鳥)




Host: @works

