
【VG】LIVE REPORT|Amaterase Reimeisai & Yuiitsusai

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DSC_6520Amaterase Reimeisai & Yuiitsusai



Amaterase returned to the stage in January 2017, keeping their unique style as a visual-kei band. They have only 2 members, vocalist AKIRA and guitarist DAISHI, and are energetically playing shows. The band held a brightly entertaining exciting two-part show, an acoustic show called Reimeisai as Part 1 and a band-style show in collaboration with Wadaiko (Japanese drums) as Part 2 at Shinyokohama NEW SIDE BEACH!! on December 22, 2018.


Since it was just the time before Christmas, the members and support members wearing suits appeared in a happy mood to the sound of “Jingle Bells” for the seated-style Reimeisai, Part 1. Soon, the show started with a comparatively new song “Mirai Sanshou” arranged like ethnic music in the red lights. The floor was filled with AKIRA’s clear vocals right away. In “Ouma” it changed to a completely different song than the normal one as an acoustic song, and the fans were gradually excited by the clapping rhythm.


AKIRA and DAISHI introduced the support members, with Dewey playing the djembe, a rare percussion instrument, Shigure as a bassist, and HIROSHI MOTOFUJI from Yaiba as another acoustic guitarist even though he was also a Wadaiko drummer. After that, each member played the rock-paper-scissors game to give the fans Christmas presents. After the enjoyable communication with the fans, “Itsutsu no Umi no Monogatari” fascinated the fans with its warm and gentle acoustic melody illuminated by the blue lights. The members showed a different acoustic style in “Nayuta,” with a Spanish arrangement. For the newest song, “Seiken Jojouden”, because DAISHI played the piano without support members, the emotions of AKIRA and DAISHI overlapped well. Finally, they played “Mahoroba” with the support members. The floor got lively with the dancing rhythm, and the acoustic show ended in a happy mood.


About 1 hour later, Amaterase Yuiitsusai started as Part 2. When the opening music changed from the holy stillness to a grand swell, drummer Dewey, bassist Shigure, and Wadaiko drummer HIROSHI MOTOFUJI as a special guest for that day came on to the stage wearing samue, a kind of traditional casual Japanese clothing. Soon, guitarist DAISHI and vocalist AKIRA, wearing new costumes from the summer of 2018, entered the stage to big cheers. The first song was “Nayuta,” written after they restarted activities. AKIRA sang the lyrics as if they were precious as DAISHI showed splendid guitar skills. The clear desire of AKIRA and DAISHI to once again be a band crossed in the heavy sound. The Japanese-style dance tune “Kaminoko” and “Ouma,” both having a comfortable catchy melody woven into the intense sound followed, and the voltage in the venue escalated and Amaterase’s world became steadily more vivid.


“Hello everyone here in Shinyokohama NEW SIDE BEACH!! We are Amaterase.” After DAISHI introduced the band, the fans laughed at AKIRA’s proposal that he wanted to play from the beginning again because he felt so good. The band conveyed that this venue was special for Amaterase, and played “Karma”. Dynamic Wadaiko roared during the intro in a solemn mood as if the soul of the Japanese style was being expressed. Soon the music changed to the heavy sound all at once, and AKIRA led the audience to Amaterase’s world with his mysterious vocals different from his usual clear voice. “Guren” had an intense headbanging time, and for the familiar song “Marogare”, the rhythm became more energetic from the fusion with wild Wadaiko, and the fans desperately responded to the members’ cries.


AKIRA’s pure and penetrating voice echoed to the powerful but gentle song “Subaru”, and the mild bass added deepness to the song. Dewey’s drumming and Wadaiko made the gripping intro for “Mirai Sanshou” having memorable lyrics, and AKIRA bravely sang with strong eyes as DAISHI charmed the fans with sexy guitar riffs in “Akaki Ryuu no Kishi no Monogatari”. In the following Wadaiko short solo, HIROSHI MOTOFUJI controlled the various rhythms and sounds not only with his power. For “Daichi no Uta” which had an impressive Japanese-style mood, the passionate guitar melody resounded as if DAISHI’s guitar sang. “Aya” was a beautiful song colored by the clear melody as shown by Japanese Kanji ‘Color’, but it changed to a rhythmical music style due to the collaboration with Wadaiko on that day.


Before “Seiken Jojouden” was introduced, DAISHI told the fans to enjoy the flood of sounds. The soulful and vigorous sounds filled the floor as if the venue was engulfed by the sound waves. The elegant melody of “Kibougaoka” became more attractive through AKIRA’s bright vocals. The aggressive and sensational “NATURAL SELECTION” sounded as if it had been written for shows. It had a short solo part, and Dewey showed off his heavy drumming, enjoying the rhythm with smiles, Shigure made sure he wasn’t forgotten with his smooth slapping, HIROSHI MOTOFUJI appealed to the crowd with the powerful and impressive Wadaiko, and DAISHI attracted the fans with gorgeous guitar playing. The final song was “Houou” in which the audience danced with Japanese paper fans, and the main set ended in a joyful mood.


The two members of Amaterase came back to the stage, responding to the encore call. They called the support members one by one, and explained the encounters that led to their relationship with them. After that, “Seiken Jojouden” first introduced on that day, was re-played. The heavy sounds filled the floor, and the braveness increased by the fans’ choreography. It seemed that shows were actually created by everyone.


Lastly, AKIRA and DAISHI gave the fans emotional messages; AKIRA said that he has a new goal, but the best thing is having shows with everyone and he wants everyone to know Amaterase more, and DAISHI said that he does not know how long he will be able to stand on the stage, so he will continue to perform with that feeling from now on, and he would be happy if everyone comes to see them with the same feeling.


As the final song, “Shinra Banshou” began with a gracious, lyric-less, Japanese intro. AKIRA attracted the audience only with his beautiful voice. DAISHI emotionally and preciously played each note. The fans sang all together at the end, and the emotions both in the stage and the floor united. The packed, two-part shows starting with the acoustic and ending with the band-style, finally concluded with a heart-warming atmosphere.


The trust between the members of Amaterase is very strong and it is unbelievable that there was a 10-year gap in their history. The band is playing new songs one after another. There are not so many bands that express the Japanese spirit not only in costumes but also in music and lyrics. Amaterase has already announced that they will release a new mini album in 2019. They must provide original songs which do not simply fall under categories of rock or pop. The band will satisfy anyone who listens to them for themselves with their mature sound. We should have high expectations for Amaterase’s future activities in 2019.


Text by Chika Yoshizawa

Photo by mio nagasaki



2017年1月に完全復活を遂げた天照。メンバーはヴォーカルの晃とギターの大祀の2人というヴィジュアル系バンドには珍しい形態そのままに、精力的に活動を続けている。そんな天照が2018年12月22日、新横浜NEW SIDE BEACH!!にて、2部公演を行い、1部は黎明祭と名付けられたアコースティックスタイルでのライブ、そして2部は通常のバンドスタイルに、和太鼓とコラボしたスペシャルバージョンのライブという特別な構成で、明るく楽しく熱いライブが行われた。








「新横浜NEW SIDE BEACH!!にお越しの皆さん、我々が天照です。」と自己紹介をしたところで、あまりの気持ちよさにもう一度最初からやろうという晃の提案に笑いが巻き起こる。この会場は天照にとって特別な思いのある会場であることを告げ、続いた「業」は、和の真髄を表現するかのような厳かな雰囲気のイントロに、ダイナミックな和太鼓が轟く。そして一気にヘビーなサウンドへと変化し、晃はいつもの美声とは違う怪しい歌声となり、会場を天照の世界へと誘う。「紅蓮」では激しいヘドバンタイム、そしてお馴染みの「まろがれ」ではワイルドな和太鼓との融合によりリズムに活気が増し、メンバーの煽りに会場は必死に応えていく。




MCで大祀が音の洪水を楽しみにして欲しいと伝えた初披露の「聖剣叙情伝」では、音の波に会場が呑み込まれるほどの魂こもる激しいサウンドに会場が満たされ、晃の艶のある歌声に「希望ヶ丘」の優雅なメロディーがより一層映える。そして、ライブのためにあるかのような躍動感あふれる煽情的な「NATURAL SELECTION」では、それぞれのショートソロで、Deweyは笑顔でリズムを楽しむかのように力強いソロ、時雨は滑らかなスラップで存在感を放ち、茂戸藤浩司は魂震わすパワフルな和太鼓を、そして大祀は繊細で華やかなギターを披露。ラストは会場で可憐に扇子が舞う「鳳凰」。ファンは扇子とともに踊り、楽しい雰囲気で本編を終えた。











Part 1


  1. 未来讃頌 (Mirai Sanshou)
  2. 逢魔 (Ouma)
  3. 五つの海の物語 (Itsutsu no Umi no Monogatari)
  4. 那由他 (Nayuta)
  5. 聖剣叙情伝(Vo.&piano Ver.)(Seiken Jojouden)
  6. まほろば (Mahoroba)

Part 2


  1. 那由他 (Nayuta)
  2. 神の子 (Kaminoko)
  3. 逢魔 (Ouma)
  4. 業 (Karma)
  5. 紅蓮 (Guren)
  6. まろがれ (Marogare)
  7. 昴 (Subaru)
  8. 未来讃頌 (Mirai Sanshou)
  9. 緋き竜の騎士の物語 (Akaki Ryuu no Kishi no Monogatari) 〜和太鼓ソロ〜 (Wadaiko solo part)
  10. 大地の詩 (Daichi no Uta)
  11. 彩 (Aya)
  12. 聖剣叙情伝 (Seiken Jojouden)
  13. 希望ヶ丘 (Kibougaoka)
  15. 鳳凰 (Houou)


  1. 聖剣叙情伝 (Seiken Jojouden)
  2. 森羅万象 (Shinrabanshou)