Schwarz Stein  Hora Birthday Live  『UNHOLY』   会場:渋谷REX  開場:18:00  開演:18:30  出演:Schwarz Stein  前売:4,500(税込/Dr代別)  当日:5,500(税込/Dr代別)

【VG】LIVE REPORT +SHORT INTERVIEW|Schwarz Stein Kaya Birthday Live JULY 20 「Queen Leech」

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Schwarz Stein Kaya Birthday Live 「Queen Leech」

July 20, 2019 (sat)@ Shibuya REX


Schwarz Stein Hora Birthday Live 『UNHOLY』 会場:渋谷REX 開場:18:00 開演:18:30 出演:Schwarz Stein 前売:4,500(税込/Dr代別) 当日:5,500(税込/Dr代別)

So far for Schwarz Stein, the first half of this year has been a busy yet fruitful one, as they had four consecutive one-mans from May to August with two single releases in May and July.

The releases titled,「Ever After」and,「Queen Leech」were released on the day of each member’s birthday gig. 「Ever After」on May 11th which was Hora’s day and, 「Queen Leech」on July 20th which was Kaya’s day, both having their one-and only setlist assembled by each member.

This day was Kaya’s day at Shibuya REX where many fans gathered to celebrate Kaya’s birthday and, also to savor Kaya’s dark and aesthetic and mystique lyrics and, the dance sounds, EDM, trance sound that Hora weaves out fused together in creating Schwartz Stein’s nostalgic and dark world.

As soon as the lights dimmed, from the darkness, Kaya’s velvety voice resounded the venue lingering the echo of his voice as the stage gradually glowed red revealing Kaya and Hora in noir costumes that seemed to reminisce the midnight sky. The gate to Schwarz Stein’s nostalgic and dark world unfolded at Shibuya REX as their distinct atmosphere seemed to already envelope the venue.

The live started with the dark and grieve「COCOON  -Fallen-」where Kaya’s deep voice and the mechanical sound intertwined, followed to the next passionate「Apocalypse -eclipse ring-」where Kaya’s lustrous hand gesture drew the fans to follow suit. From the next「Lilith」to「Release me」, Kaya and Hora stirred up the crowd as they steaming up the atmosphere from start with the array of full-bodied songs.

Kaya 0720 live

In the first emcee that took place right after, Kaya emceed that the setlist of this day strongly imaged the single「Queen Leech」released on the day. At the end of the short emcee Kaya introduced the next song,「grow down」the coupling song of「Queen Leech」as they resumed the live. Amidst the dim venue, soft white light showered down on the stage as Kaya’s wistful voice and, Hora’s key struck a note blending a remorseful yet with somewhat a soft impression in the melody. Then when the lights gradually turned dark blue, the sound of rain signaled the next「Hakobune」.  Hora’s key wove up a melody, that seemed to further sink in the remorseful atmosphere. Though the same blue showered across the venue with laser beams in,「fester love」and,「Immortal Light」, Kaya’s deeply passionate voice brought a different impression to the stage drawing the floor closer to the dramatic stage as the two fired up the floor fervently devouring the wave of fans into the whirlpool of Schwarz Stein’s distinct atmosphere.

The excited crowd shouted out the member’s names, as the second emcee was held. Kaya talked about how his lyrics oftentimes include “rose” and, how Hora always points it out to him sometimes giving advices to Kaya with the lyrics. Also, amidst the emcee, since they had the after live talk event this day, they talked about challenging for more talk lives in the future which seemed to be booked in their future schedule already.

From the friendly atmosphere of the emcee, with Hora’s shout, “Ready for MORE??”, the live dove into the latter half of the show with array of heavy songs. When the red lights tainted the stage crimson, the rapturous「Queen Leech」resumed the show. Kaya’s vocal drew a chant, gradually putting himself in a frenzy as the next「CREEPER」inherited the chaotic atmosphere. Red laser shot throughout the venue with the techno-beat sound resounding in sync the venue and, with the addictive sound the agitating repetitive vocal and salute gesture led the stage and floor in unison. Followed was the impressive interchanging twin vocal songs「Sleeping Madness」and,「Forest of Paralysis」with aggressive taste and heart stinging beat that stimulated the floor. In the latter half, from the gothic and melodious, Hora’s death voice shifted to the heavy in「Lotus」and, as Kaya fired up the crowd shouting “Give us your voices!!” in「Syphilis and Disorder」the songs shook the floor into frenzy. Then when the techno-beat and numerous colorful laser beams danced across the venue, the floor picked up heat furthermore, in the last of the main set「Succubus」as Kaya made his way close to the fans as he triggered them into thrashing heads savoring Schwarz Stein to their fullest.

Hora 0720 live

After a brief break, the encore started with「Perfect Garden」. Kaya’s lengthy voice resounded the quiet venue and, the fans listened quietly as they let their hands sway to the melody. As the song ended, cheers arose from the floor. Answering to the cheers, Kaya took his mic with an ear to ear grin saying, “Did you enjoy our show today?” as the encore emcee started. While Kaya made some brief emcee, out from the backstage Hora appeared with a small birthday cake with lit candles. Thrilled, Kaya blew out the candles and, applause from the floor arose at once as the venue was in a cheerful atmosphere. Furthermore, Hora had the venue burst in laughter as he gave Kaya birthday presents, a champagne and a「Guys 2019 Calendar」with 12months of macho guys!  “We’ve been together for 19years and the very first birthday present I get is THIS?! [laugh]” as he held the calendar up so that the fans could see.

With a “not bad” look, Kaya drew a devilish grin and, the venue erupted in laughter. Thanking the cheerful fans, Kaya shifted his talk to a serious mode as he has said, “I am so happy we were able to do a live to celebrate each other’s birthday as Schwartz Stein.” The next song, 「Current」seemed to portray how Schwartz Stein had come all this way to finally be able to say such word as this song was a song they made when they left the management and was in the course of disbandment. For them, it was a sad song at the time but, as time passed, the song had made its metamorphosis to a bright one. It had seemed the warm smiled Kaya wore during this song had said it all. As the live came to the end with two songs left, Kaya held the mic towards the fans as he asked them to sing along with him in 「Rise to Heaven」and, 「New vogue childrenas the members and fan sang together in harmony till the end.

After this semi-final live on July 20th, on August 2nd, the final one-man with a special guest had successfully closed the book for their four consecutive one-man that started from May.

Schwarz Stein is yet to slow down as they have announced future schedules including the noteworthy, very first one-man live at Chile on November 16th!  Come and experience Schwarz Stein as they will enchant you with their one-and-only atmosphere!


2019年5月と7月にそれぞれシングル「Ever After」と「Queen Leech」をリリースしたSchwarz Stein。リリースの同日にワンマンライブを開催し、5月11日はHoraセレクトのセットリスト、そして、今回の7月20日はKayaセレクトのセットリストが組まれていた。ダーク且つ耽美で妖艶なKayaの歌詞に、Horaの編み出すEDMやトランスサウンドといったダンスサウンドが見事に融合したSchwarz Steinのノスタルジックでダークな世界が渋谷REXでも思う存分味わえるそんな雰囲気が場内を覆いつくしているようだった。

場内が暗転し、闇から響くKaya の歌声が場内を包み込み、しばらくして、


Schwarz Steinの世界へと誘う扉が開いた。

Kayaの底深い歌声と機械的なサウンドが混在し、ダークで哀惜に満ちた「COCOON  -Fallen-」から、Kaya の艶やかで、滑らかな手の動きにフロアも追随し手を仰いだ、情深き「. Apocalypse -eclipse ring-」が続いた後、「Lilith」、そして「Release me」では躍動感を注ぐように、KayaとHoraがフロアを煽り場内に熱気を注ぎ、最初から濃厚な曲達が連なった。

今回のワンマンについてKayaは、この日リリースされた「Queen Leech」色を色濃く出したセットリストだと、短めのMCを挟んで「Queen Leech」のカップリング曲「grow down」でライブを再開。白いライトが仄暗いステージに降り注ぎ、切なさ溢れる歌声がHoraの鍵盤と重なり、どこか柔らかに悲しみを包んだ。やがて降り注いだ青いライトと雨音が合図した「方舟」ではまたHoraが紡ぎ出した音により一層切なさが場内の空気に染み込んだ。レーザー光線が場内に放たれた「fester love」と「Immortal Light」では同じ青を基調とした照明も、心底から這う様な激情がうずくKayaの歌声が世界に引きずり込む凄まじさを感じさせた。KayaとHoraの煽りに応えるフロアもまた、その世界の一部として渦巻く荒波に吞まれていった。


Horaが「おまえらいけるかぁー!!!」と、トークの時の緩いキャラから一変。ここから畳みかけて激しいナンバーが続いた。紅いライトがステージを染めると、狂喜的な「Queen Leech」からライブは再開された。呪文を唱えるようで、やがて狂ったように歌うKaya。その凄まじさは次の「CREEPER」へと受け継がれた。赤いレーザー光線にテクノビート、病みつきになるサウンドに反駁する歌声から敬礼の振りでステージとフロアが一体となった。続いた、「Sleeping Madness」、「Forest of Paralysis」ではそんな二人の交差する声が印象的で、アグレッシブ且つ心臓射抜くビートが追い打ちかけるようにフロアを奮い立たせた。後半では、ゴシックでメロディアスかと思えば、Horaのヴォーカルが激しさを畳みかけた「Lotus」から「声を頂戴~!!」とKayaがフロアを煽った「Syphilis and Disorder」が立て続けに会場を揺らした。テクノサウンドと彩豊かなレーザー光線が場内を踊りフロアの盛り上がりも更に加熱すると、最後の「Succubus」ではKayaが前へ前へと出向きフロアを煽り、ファンも容赦なくヘドバンの嵐に身を任せSchwarz Steinの世界を思う存分味わいつくしていた。

アンコールでは、「Perfect Garden」が演奏され、Kayaの延びやかな歌声が場内を包み、自然とフロアはその歌声に手を仰いだ。曲が終わると同時にフロアから二人への歓喜の声が場内に溢れた。Kayaもそんなフロアの声に「Schwarz Steinのライブ楽しんでいただけたかしら?」と笑みを浮かべ、アンコールのMCが始まった。そんな中、後ろからHoraがバースデーケーキを持ち登場した。驚きながらも、Kayaはケーキのロウソクを消し、フロアから祝福の拍手が届けられた。また、Horaからはシャンパンと「Guys 2019 Calendar」(マッチョな男性満載のカレンダー)がプレゼントされ、「19年(Horaと)付き合って、初めてもらったプレゼントがこれ?!笑」とまんざらでもないKayaの笑みがどこか悪魔的な輪郭を引いた。歓喜のフロアに感謝述べつつ、Kayaは気をとりなおし少し真剣な表情で、「Schwarz Steinでお互いの誕生日を祝うライブができて嬉しい。」と語り、続いて歌われた「Current」は、そんな彼らがそう言えるまでの軌跡を描いているようだった。Schwarz Steinが事務所から離脱し、解散が決まった時に作られた歌で、その当時は悲しい曲だったが、再びSchwarz Steinがこうやったステージに立って、今は明るいイメージに塗り替わったとのこと。そんな曲の最中、Kayaが穏やかな笑顔を見せたのが印象的だった。「一緒に歌ってくれますか?」と、Kayaがマイクをフロアに向けた次の「Rise to Heaven」と最後の「New vogue children」では、メンバーとファンが共に歌い一体感に包まれライブは終幕した。


Schwarz Steinはその歩みを止める事なく、今後のスケジュールも続々と発表しており、その中でも、特筆すべき11月16日は初のチリ公演が含まれている。




1. COCOON -Fallen-
2. Apocalypse -eclipse ring-
3. Lilith
4. Release me
5. grow down
6. 方舟(Hakobune)
7. fester love
8. Immortal Light
9. Queen Leech
11. Sleeping Madness
12. Forest of Paralysis
13. Lotus
14. Syphilis and Disorder
15. Succubus

16. Perfect Garden
17. Current
18. Rise to Heaven
19. New vogue children



1.Vkei-Guide is a website that guides Japan through Visual kei. Please introduce yourself and, share with us a place you recommend in Japan.
Kaya: Hi I am Kaya, the vocalist. I also write the lyrics. The place I recommend in Japan is Kyoto.
Hora: I am Hora, keyboardist. I write the music. The place I recommend in Japan is, of course Mount Fuji.

1. Vkei-Guideはヴィジュアル系を通して日本をガイドするというコンセプトのウェブサイトです。
Kaya: Kayaです。Vocal、作詞を担当しています。京都が一番お薦めです。

2.In one of the emcee in the July 20th one-man, there was a talk about the lyrics of Schwarz Stein. Please choose a word that represents the past(before disbandment) and, the present(after reunion) of Schwarz Stein. Also, please share with us the reason you chose the word.

Kaya: The past (before disbandment) → A refuge. The present (after reunion) → A haven. Before, I wanted Schwarz Stein to be a place for me as well as fans to “take refuge to”. The message was,“Come take refuge here. This is a place where you don’t have to struggle and, a place to be forgiven”. However, as I experienced many things in life, refuge turned to a haven. For fans who are still suffering, Schwarz Stein can still be a refuge and, I hope our music, live, and works will be a haven for all of our fans.

Hora: This is just my personal perspective but the past would be “lust” because we were caught up with desire and impulse. The present would be “light” because I believe we were able to sublimate those things.

2. 先日のワンマン(7月20日)のMCでSchwarz Steinの歌詞について少し触れていましたが、お二人にとってSchwarz Steinの過去(解散前)と現在(再結成後)をそれぞれ言葉で表すとどのような言葉が浮かびますか?その理由も教えてください。

Kaya:過去(解散前)→逃げ場所 現在(再結成後)→帰る場所
色んな経験を経て、逃げる場所から帰る場所に変わりました。今辛い人はSchwarz Steinを逃げ場所にして貰ってもいいし。歌で、ライブで、作品で、みんなの居場所を作れたら私は幸せです。

3. Schwarz Stein has released 「Ever After」 on May 11 and, 「Queen Leech」on July 20. Could you share with us your recommendation of each single?

Kaya: The melody. Please enjoy the beautiful melody Hora blew life into. Also, I have included the translations for each lyric. Please check that out as well!
Hora: Both singles have a different taste and melody. It would be nice if you can listen to both.

3. 5月11日に「Ever After」、7月20日に「Queen Leech」をリリースされていますが、それぞれのおすすめポイントを教えてください。

4. After the four consecutive one-man live from May through August, for Schwarz Stein, what does live represent?
Kaya: A haven and a place to spread my wings.
Hora: A live is a place where we all can be in harmony.

4.5月から8月にかけて、4か月連続ワンマンライブを開催したSchwarz Steinにとってライブとはなんでしょうか?

5. For Schwarz Stein who have been active for some time in the Visual kei scene, what is Visual kei to you? Has your impression changed with Visual kei present and past?

Kaya: I think Visual kei is a splendid culture that can express one’s thoughts through make-up and music. I’m not familiar with the present Visual kei.
Hora: Unfortunately, I am not an expert with Visual kei….

5 ヴィジュアル系シーンで長くご活躍されているSchwarz Steinにとってヴィジュアル系とは?また、今と昔でヴィジュアル系の印象は変わっていますか?

6.Lastly please give a message to your fans overseas.
Kaya: Thank you for always supporting us. We will continue to perform, and I deeply appreciate all your continued support.
Hora: I hope we can do more lives overseas. When you visit Japan, please come see our live!



<Schwarz Stein live schedule>

Overseas live
2019/11/16(sat) Schwarz Stein en Chile at Bar Rock y Guitarras (Chile)

2019/11/30 (sat)
Schwarz Stein Oneman LIVE『Sonne und Mond』
at EBISU aim

2019/12/14 (sat)
Schwarz Stein PREMIUM FAN EVENT『Schwarz Arche』
at EBISU aim

Check out more at Schwarz Stein Official Website!
Schwarz Stein

Kaya Official Website

Hora Official Website


Text by : MKawaguchi (VG)