
【VG】Live Report | Codomo Dragon 8th Oneman Tour「狼男は妄想を喰う。(Ōkami-otoko wa Mousou wo Kurau.)」-FINAL- at Zepp Diver City 08/01/2017

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The sparkling rings worn by the audience were twinkling brilliantly in the darkness. Once chamu (Dr.)’s powerful drumming suddenly started roaring, the stage turned into a world of golden colour. Then the rest of members appeared on the stage in their studded black costumes. hayato (Vo.) was wearing a hood low over his eyes and his face was concealed from the audience floor. After a moment, they pounced on the audience with the first song 『HOWL』, displaying their psyched up attitude towards the final performance of the tour as well as their very first gig of the year. hayato abruptly took his hood off and his vivid red hair was exposed. 「Why don’t you all just knock it down!」 – stirred up the crowd; his red hair was even a spur to his aggressiveness. meN-meN (Ba.)’s distorted bass as well vibrated the excitement of the audience; then continued to 『魔女狩り (Majogari)』 and 『Can’t stop MAD teens.』.

(キラキラ指輪が暗闇の中で鮮やかに浮き上がる。突然の叩きのめす様なチャム(Dr.)のドラムが鳴り響くとステージは一気にゴールドの世界へと変動を遂げた。黒いスタッズの効いた衣装を身にまとったメンバーたちが現れる。ハヤト(Vo.)はフードをかぶり顔をほとんど覗かせていない。しばらくして1曲目『HOWL』からドカンと会場を叩きつける。ツアーラストであり、新年一発目の暴れ始めでもある今日のライブに早くも新たな気合が感じられる。突如フードを外すハヤト。鮮やかな赤に染められた髪が露出する。「ぶっこわしちゃっていいんだぜ!」攻撃的に煽ると、その赤髪がよりその挑発を際立たせる。meN-meN(Ba.)の歪んだベースが重ねてオーディエンスを奮い立たせ、『魔女狩り』、『Can’t stop MAD teens. 』と続く。)


「I am extremely delighted to see so many people gathered together for our first gig in the new year! It’s a Codomo Dragon’s gig, so let’s eat greedily and messily! Everybody be stupid and get burnt out!」

The 4th tune was 『WOLFMAN』, which was the lead song of their latest album for this tour. The audience were jumping up and knocking their fists up high. 「Alright Tokyo. Don’t get bothered by the people around. Let’s just have fun!」




『Sixth SenSe』 , which humorously sings about non-existence of ghosts, started with an impressive melodious guitar line. hayato was joining the audience with their choreography – by limply swinging down both of their hands. In 『自絞首 (Jikoushu)』, where sings along 「Na-Na- Na-」, hayato was dancing on the stage, agitating the audience by saying 「Cannot hear~ ×2」 on the melody and making a merry moment. yume (Gt.) presented his rock stance of intense performance in 『ドロップチューン (Drop Tune)』, the pop tune mixed with a hint of suffocating sadness.

(メロディアスなギターラインから始まる、オバケなんていないんだとユーモアのある歌詞が独特な『Sixth SenSe』。オーディエンスと一緒に両手を垂らす振り付けで踊るハヤト。そこから『自絞首』の「Na-Na- Na-」と歌う部分では「聞こえませーん×2」とメロディーにのせて煽るハヤトはステージ上で踊り、楽しそうな姿を見せる。POPな中にも息苦しさとせつなさをおりまぜた『ドロップチューン』、ゆめ(Gt.)はひたすらロックに弾くスタンスだ。)


Towards the middle of the show, their aggressiveness gained steam more and more. 『Mr. GENTLEMAN』 and 『戯楼コンチネンタルジャパニーズファッカー (Girou Continental Japanese Fucker)』 attacked the venue with their uplifting and speedy relentlessness one after another. kana (Gt.) drew the enthusiasm from the audience on the front of the  stage. 『不謹慎が笑う (Fukinshin ga Warau)』 caused a storm of headbanging and the whole crowd were jumping up. 「Let’s play together a little longer」 – said hayato and started 『君と嘘と赤い部屋 (Kimi to Uso to Akai Heya)』. The stage was painted in red and hayato was shaking his head fiercely, spreading his arms. hayato’s menacing shout was as if piercing into the ear and the audience responded with more raging headbanging. 「Are you doing your best Tokyo! Bring it on with all might! Just like killing each other Tokyo!!」 The huge mirror ball above the stage was radiantly sparkling. The audience‘s headbanging got much more intense to the violent drumming beat. The unflinching posture of the crowd was totally chaotic and rather murderous.

(中盤にさしかかると、より激しさに勢いが増す。『Mr. GENTLEMAN』から『戯楼コンチネンタルジャパニーズファッカー』と流れ、アップチューンでハイテンポのセットリストが会場を畳み掛ける。華那(Gt.)がステージ前方でオーディエンスを誘い込む。ヘドバンの嵐が巻き起こると、『不謹慎が笑う』ではオーディエンス全体がジャンプをする。「もう少しだけ一緒に遊ぼう」という言葉から『君と嘘と赤い部屋』が始まると、ステージ上が真っ赤に染められ両手を広げ頭をふり乱すハヤト。耳に突き刺さる様なシャウトで威嚇されたオーディエンスが、更に激しくヘドバンを繰り広げる。「命燃やしてるか東京!もっと本気で来い!殺し合いだよ東京!!」ステージが再び一転し、ステージ頭上に設置された大きなミラーボールがキラキラ輝く。一段と激しいドラムの鼓動にオーディエンスのヘドバンは更に、また激しさを増す。一向に怯む事の無いオーディエンスの有り様は、まさに殺意を感じるほどだ。)


「I wonder what I would be doing if I had not become a musician. But I won’t do it if no one is listening. So you make me alive. Thank you. I would like to convey this to all of the people here today. There is no point if it is not received by every single one of you. I’m throwing it against you until my throat bleeds Tokyo!」 – said hayato.



The 14th song was 『廃SOCIETY (Hai SOCIETY)』- the audience’s choreography was just like praying at the line 「諸行無常の鐘 (Shogyou Mujou no Kane)」, creating a bizarre atmosphere. The show was already heading towards the end and the fervour was raised higher and higher. Then continued to 『ISOLATION』 and the floor was literally vibrating because of the voices of the audience. Their overflowing excitement was filling every inch of the venue.




「In 2016, day by day, each second, we have confronted each other. Thank you so much for giving a reason for our existence today again. Please do make the next song come alive as well.」 The last song 『HEMLOCK』 started following hayato’s words. The lyric sings about their strong will to express the meaning of living and existence, which was the solid message that hayato himself was conveying to every individual present there now at the gig. The audience surely received his message and the frenzied atmosphere reached a crescendo.



In the encore song 『ゼロ・アイデンティティー (Zero Identity)』, hayato burst into the audience floor. 「Hey hey hey come around me! Scream! Do the ‘folding’ headbanging!」 Then he climbed up on the front fence to stir the frantic ambience in unison with the audience.



hayato commented on their new single 『この世界は終わりだ。(Kono Sekai wa Owarida.)』 scheduled to be released in March. 「This world is over (the meaning of “この世界は終わりだ。”). I truly think so.」 Something has got to give. Need to change something. hayato passionately declared that the 2017 version of Codomo Dragon will break through their limit.





01. HOWL

02. 魔女狩り (Majogari)

03. Can’t stop MAD teens.


05. Sixth SenSe

06. 自絞首 (Jikoushu)


08. ドロップチューン (Drop Tune)


10. 戯楼コンチネンタルジャパニーズファッカー (Girou Continental Japanese Fucker)

11. 不謹慎が笑う (Fukinshin ga Warau)

12. 君と嘘と赤い部屋 (Kimi to Uso to Akai Heya)

13. シリアルキラー (Serial Killer)



16. 雷鳥 (Raichou)


EN1. naked

EN2. ゼロ・アイデンティティー (Zero Identity)

EN3. 砉 (Hone to Kawa toga Hanareru Oto)



10th maxi single

『この世界は終わりだ。(Kono Sekai wa Owarida.) 』

15.03.2017 (wed) 4 types Release

■Atype [Limited Edition] CD+DVD

(CD 2 Tracks + DVD「この世界は終わりだ。(Kono Sekai wa Owarida.)」PV Making Video)

■Btype [Limited Edition] CD+DVD

(CD 2 Tracks + DVD「この世界は終わりだ。(Kono Sekai wa Owarida.)」PV Multi-angle Version)

■Ctype [Regular Edition]

(CD 2 Tracks + Bonus Track + 3 Instrumental Tracks)

■Dtype [Regular Edition]

(CD 2 Tracks + Bonus Track + 3 Instrumental Tracks)



Codomo Dragon 9th Oneman Tour

『ハイソサエティ・アバンギャルド (High Society・Avant-garde)』

17/03 (Fri)  [OSAKA] umeda AKASO

20/03 (Mon/NH)  [AICHI] Nagoya E.L.L.

22/03 (Wed) [HIROSHIMA] Hiroshima CAVE-BE

25/03 (Sat) [FUKUOKA] Fukuoka DRUM Be-1

28/03 (Tue) [KAGAWA] Takamatsu DIME

30/03 (Thu) [OKAYAMA] Okayama DIME

03/04/ (Mon) [ISHIKAWA] Kanazawa AZ


08/04 (Sat) [HOKKAIDO] Sapporo cube garden

09/04 (Sun) [HOKKAIDO] Sapporo cube garden

11/04 (Tue) [AOMORI] Aomori Quarter

13/04 (Thu) [IWATE] Morioka CLUB CHANGE WAVE


18/04 (Tue) [FUKUSHIMA] Kōriyama club #9

20/04 (Thu) [TOCHIGI] HAVEN’S ROCK Utsunomiya VJ-2

22/04 (Sat) [IBARAKI] mito LIGHT HOUSE

23/04 (Sun) [CHIBA] Kashiwa PALOOZA


05/05 (Fri)  [SAITAMA] HAVEN’S ROCK Saitama Shintoshin VJ-3


11/05 (Thu) [TOKYO] Nakano Sun Plaza


Text by Bambi

Translated by Kaoru Nagata