
【VG】LIVE REPORT | Mix Speaker’s,Inc. 10th Anniversary Live “Mix Speaker’s,Inc.”

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Mix Speaker’s,Inc. 10th Anniversary Live “Mix Speaker’s,Inc.”(設立10周年記念日)


An unusual band in the visual-kei scene, Mix Speaker’s,Inc., marked their 10th anniversary on February 19, 2017. While we usually say that a band was “formed,” Mix Speaker’s Inc. prefer “established,” like a company or organization. The band excites the fans with various choreographies and props, and always has costumes and songs that match the stories they periodically make. That is the style of this band, and it is the only one like it in this scene. Lots of Bangyahime and Bangyaouji (MSI’s fans) gathered at Shinjuku BLAZE to celebrate the 10th anniversary on that day, and the band presented many songs to them as they looked back on 10 years.

(このヴィジュアル系シーンで一風変わったバンドMix Speaker’s,Inc.が2017年2月19日に10周年を迎えた。バンドは通常「結成」という言葉を使用するが、このバンドでは会社や組織のように「設立」という言葉が使用される。様々な振り付けや小道具でファンを楽しませ、定期的にストーリーが決められ、その中のコンセプトをもとに衣装や曲が作られていくのがこのバンドのスタイルであり、この業界で唯一無二の存在である。この日新宿BLAZEで行われた設立10周年記念日を祝うライブにはたくさんのバンギャ姫とバンギャ王子(ファン)が駆けつけ、バンドは10年を振り返るかのようにたくさんの曲をファンへプレゼントした。)


CC1I6250CC1I8646Vocalist NIKA appeared on the dark silent stage after chimes rang, and introduced the chefs who cooked the full-course dinner on that night. The show started with the current opening music, but then changed to the opening from 10 years ago as if the band had traveled back 10 years in time. All of the chefs, drummer S, bassist seek, guitarists keiji and AYA, and vocalist MIKI, went to their positions, and then an eerie restaurant opened. When NIKA gave the signal to start the show, saying “Please enjoy the full-course dinner to the end,” the stage lit up at once, and the show began with “JUNK STORY” from the first story “MONSTERS”. The song seemed popular, because the fans happily danced and headbanged from the first song. For “THIRTEEN”, the twin vocalists sang and danced, holding big bones in their hands. MIKI sang wildly, on the other hand, NIKA sang firmly, and their vocals made a good contrast. Each role was made obvious just by looking at each mic stand, respectively decorated with a skull for MIKI and a star for NIKA.

(薄暗い静寂の中、チャイムが鳴るとヴォーカルのNIKAが登場し、今夜のフルコースメニューを作るシェフが紹介されていく。SEは現在のものから時を過去に戻すかのように10年前のSEへと遡っていく。そしてドラムのS、ベースのseek、ギターのkeijiとAYA、ヴォーカルのMIKI、シェフたちがそれぞれの持ち場へつくと、不気味なレストランがオープンした。「フルコースを最後までお楽しみください。」とNIKAがライブスタートの合図を出すと、ステージは一気に明るくなり、1stストーリー「MONSTERS」の「JUNK STORY」からスタート。1曲目から楽しそうに踊り、ヘドバンするファンの姿からこの曲が人気の曲であることが想定される。続く「THIRTEEN」では大きな骨を持って歌い踊るヴォーカルの2人。そしてMIKIが少し荒々しく歌うとNIKAは確実に歌い上げ、その声は対比される。MIKIのマイクスタンドにはドクロ、NIKAのマイクスタンドにはスターが付いているところからもその役割は明らかである。)


CC1I8681CC1I8685In the section of the second story “Wonder Traveling”, the fans had an excitement showdown, divided into two, the right side and the left side, utilizing the momentum of “CRAZY TRAIN A GO! GO!” The fans on one side headbanged, and the fans on the other side swung their towels, and MIKI left the judgment of the battle to seek, who is the president of the band. After seek judged, “Both sides are winners for today’s hors d’oeuvre!”, the audience shouted for joy, and then, the members threw the presents into the crowd one after another.

(そして2ndストーリー「Wonder Traveling」のセクションでは、「CRAZY TRAIN A GO! GO!」の激しさを活かし、上手と下手にファンを分けて盛り上がり対決がされる。MIKIは、片方がヘドバン、片方がタオルを回すという対決の今回の結果を社長であるseekに委ねた。そして「今日のオードブルは両者勝利!」との結果にファンから歓声が上がり、メンバーはファンへプレゼントを続々と投げ込んだ。)



The band moved to the third story “Mix Land”, and in the emcee, NIKA delivered, “I think it is a miracle that a band lasted for 10 years. I want to create an enjoyable space here so that this happy atmosphere can be delivered outside of the live house in Shinjuku.” Then, MIKI interrupted, “I think you are trying to look better than usual today.” The band entertained the fans with MSI-ish teasing.

(3rdストーリー「Mix Land」のセクションになると、MCでNIKAが「10年1つのバンドが続いたのって奇跡だと思います。このハッピーな雰囲気を新宿の外まで届くよう楽しい空間を作っていきたいです。」というとMIKIは「今日ちょっと格好つけてない?」と突っ込むなどMSIらしいからかい方でファンを楽しませた。)


CC1I7058CC1I7173HELL FIRE” was led by S’s vigorous drumming, illuminated by fiery red and orange lights. The guitars from keiji and AYA created a mysterious aura, and the audience enjoyed the song with the catchy melody and the dance. All of the members held their penlights without their instruments to dance and sing for “ONESTAR”, and the crowd let out glad shouts when the intro of the number played. This was the only song in which the fans could hear all of the members’ vocals. The bassist and the drummer livened up in rap parts, and the fans danced, holding the penlights, thus, the venue was filled with excitement.

(「HELL FIRE」では燃えるような赤とオレンジのライトに照らされ、勢いのあるSのドラムにより曲が先導されていく。keijiとAYAのギターがミステリアスな雰囲気を醸し出し、キャッチーなメロディーとダンスでファンを楽しませた。メンバー全員が楽器を置き、ペンライトを持って踊り歌う「ONESTAR」では、イントロがかかった瞬間に歓声が沸き起こった。メンバー全員の歌声を聞くことができる唯一の曲だ。リズム隊はラップで盛り上げ、ファンもペンライトを持ち一緒に踊り、会場は熱気に満ち溢れた。)CC1I8695

CC1I6994CC1I8962Finally, the clock on the stage began a countdown, in fact, it was a signal that the band moved to the section of current “Mix Theater”. The sound of a storm invited the audience to the dark world from the bright world. “Saigo no Bansan”, which fully included MSI-ish cuteness and darkness, started after the introduction of the last section. For “Dokuro KITCHEN”, the vocalists danced in the intense strobes, and MIKI’s vocals put spice to NIKA’s main vocals. There were less than 10 minutes on the countdown when this tune ended. Instantly, “SCREAM go AROUND”, which could be called MSI’s heaviest song, followed, then the excitement mounted crazily by moshing, nevertheless, the members heated the audience up more. seek dived into the crowd, and joined the moshing. After the music sped up, the venue suddenly went black and the performance also stopped. The countdown reached zero.

(そしてついにステージ上の時計でカウントダウンが始まった。それは現在の「Mix Theater」のセクションへ移行する合図でもあった。明るい世界からまたダークな世界へと誘うような嵐の音。そしてこの最後のセクションのイントロダクションから始まったのはMSIらしいキュートなダークさがふんだんに盛り込まれた「最後の晩餐」。そして「ドクロKITCHEN」では激しいストロボの中ダンスが繰り広げられ、NIKAのメインヴォーカルにMIKIがスパイスを与えていく。この曲が終わる時カウントダウンは10分を切っていた。そのままMSIの中で最も激しい曲ともいえるであろう「SCREAM go AROUND」では、モッシュで会場がハチャメチャな状態といえるくらいの盛り上がりとなり、それでも煽るメンバーたち。seekは会場にダイブし、そのままモッシュに加わった。そして曲がスピードアップすると突然真っ暗になり演奏も止まった。カウントダウンがゼロになったのだ。)

CC1I8914CC1I8779CC1I6750After some time for silence, the band performed “If” as the last song for the main set. The song, which contained the members’ feelings, would be chosen as the last song to deliver their gratitude to the fans. The audience, who showed excitement for the previous song, listened to the song quietly, and the show climaxed as NIKA and MIKI sang, putting their feelings into their vocals. At last, the members were warmly applauded by the audience.



There was a special encore call for this story- “Excuse me. Can I order?” . After the members came back to the stage, NIKA answered, “Thank you for your additional order!” The band announced their tour for 2017 and the title of a new concept for the current story, Mix Theater, “Toy Doll no Gaykushuu”. In addition, a new single limited to venues will be released in May, and a company (the members and the fans) trip 2017 to Okinawa was planned. And after that, the members expressed their feelings to the fans one by one.

(アンコールコールは「すみません。注文いいですか。」というこのストーリー専用のファンの声が響き渡る。そしてメンバーたちがステージに戻ると、NIKAは「追加注文ありがとうございます!」と答える。ここで2017年のツアーと現在のMix Theaterの新しいコンセプトのタイトル「トイドールの逆襲」が発表された。会場限定のシングル発売、そして2017年の社員旅行(ファン旅行)と盛りだくさんの告知が入り、1人ずつ10年間の想いを語っていった。)

CC1I6118CC1I5698S unveiled that he had met the ex-member YUKI by chance on the day before the show, and he had been feeling that there was something missing but after he met him he felt the missing part was back. AYA said that he had almost been crying from the first song, and he wants to play at Nihon Budoukan as his only dream which has not come true yet. keiji delivered his feelings that he had while playing, thinking that he could meet a very dependable member in NIKA, and that he wants to make everyone happy. seek said that he had wanted to accomplish his dream that the band would last for 10 years, and he wants to accomplish other dreams which have not come true yet. MIKI said that more than feeling the gravity of 10 years, it was important that he was standing on the stage now. And lastly, NIKA mentioned his level of nervousness for the show because it was the same venue as his first show as a member of MSI, and now he feels happy that he joined this band, and he expressed his gratitude to the fans and the members.



The band performed five songs for the encore, and one more song for the unplanned second encore, making the crowd sing and dance as they demonstrated a Mix Speaker’s,Inc.’s show is one where everyone can have fun. Once the band traveled back in time 10 years, divided into the sections based on their past stories. Because the band has a concept axis which is never out of focus, this special live to show their tracks from 10 years over the passage of time could be completed. The precious time at this 10th anniversary show became a time to connect to the future of Mix Speaker’s,Inc., and their Bangyahime and Bangyaouji, and would be engraved as a precious memory in their hearts when they look back on the past.

(アンコールで5曲、予定になかったダブルアンコールで1曲を披露し、ファンにも歌わせ踊らせ、会場全員が楽しめる、それがこのMix Speaker’s,Inc.のライブだと証明した。一旦時を過去に戻し、そして今までのストーリーをセクションごとに分け、時の流れに沿って10年の軌跡を披露するという特別なライブができたのは、決してぶれないコンセプトという軸がこのバンドにはあるからだろう。この日の10周年というライブでの時間は、今後のMix Speaker’s,Inc.、そしてバンギャ姫、バンギャ王子にとって未来へと繋ぐ時間、そして過去を振り返ったときに素敵な思い出となって心に刻まれたことだろう。)

CC1I6454CC1I8000TEXT: Chika Yoshizawa



Opening SE

SE Monster tart Instrumental

  3. Friday Night Busters~Space Hunter medley

SE Mach Stars Instrumental

  1. little star
  2. ☆彡station~PINKY ADVENTURE medley
  4. Boku. Mikazuki Band ver. (僕。三日月)

SE It’s a Dream World~opening ceremony~

  1. HAPPyyy!!LAND
  2. Urameshiyashiki~Urameshiyashiki Chikanikai medley (うらめし屋敷~うらめし屋敷地下弐階メドレー)
  3. Woody Nightmare
  4. Kasa no shita on Sekai (傘の下の世界)
  5. Death Parade
  7. Shiny tale

SE Black tread~Corpse Carnival~

  1. Saigo no Bansan (最後の晩餐)
  2. LD Bride
  3. Ghost gate
  4. Dokuro KITCHEN (ドクロKITCHEN)
  5. SCREAM go AROUND long ver.
  6. If


Encore 1

  1. Boy meets December
  2. Carni=balism
  3. Pandora
  4. MONSTIME long ver.
  5. Last hours

Encore 2

  1. YOU♪AI♪Message (YOU♪愛♪メッセージ)


Live Information

Tour 2017 “Toy Doll no Gyakushuu (トイドールの逆襲)”

May 3 (Wed): Nagoya ell fits all

May 4 (Thu): Nagoya ell fits all

May 13 (Sat): Meguro ROCK-MAY-KAN

May 14 (Sun): Meguro ROCK-MAY-KAN

May 27 (Sat): Kashiwa DOMe

May 28 (Sun): Kashiwa DOMe

June 3 (Sat): ESAKA MUSE

June 4 (Sun): ESAKA MUSE


Substitute show for January 14(1月14日振替公演)



Release Information

Both A side singles will be released on May 3, limited to venue purchase and mail order!

2 songs included. 1,200yen tax included.

Details will be disclosed soon!


2曲入り ¥1,200(税込)



Other Information:

The company (the members and the fans) trip 2017 to Okinawa has been planned!

From June 16 (Fri) to 18 (Sun)

Details will be disclosed soon!






Mix Speaker’s,Inc. Official Site