Before the tour begins, Gackt announced, “This VISUALIVE TOUR is going to be the last .” Gackt’s live consists of movie,music and staging. “VISUALIVE” is created by bringing those three elements to an ultimate level. Since it requires enormous time and effort to create “VISUALIVE”,considering his physical and mental strength,he decided to make this one the last to deliver at his utmost level. Therefore,he named it “GACKT WORLD TOUR 2016 LAST VISUALIVE 最後ノ月-LAST MOON- supported by Nestlé” and has been continuously touring giving 42 live performances since March.
(今回の全国ツアーが始まる前に、GACKTはこう宣言していた「VISUALIVE TOURは今回が最後期になる」と。「VISUALIVE」は、映像と音楽と演出、GACKTのライブを構築する三つの要素を究極まで極めた構成。一つの「VISUALIVE」という舞台劇を作り上げるまでにも並々ならぬ時間と労力を費やす必要性があることから、GACKT自身の精神力や体力の限界レベルを考えたときに、今回のVISUALIVEシリーズが、みずからの肉体や精神を極めた状態を保ちながら続けてゆくうえで最後の時期と判断。そのうえで、「GACKT WORLD TOUR 2016 LAST VISUALIVE 最後期ノ月-LAST MOON- supported by Nestlé」と銘打ち、3月より全42本に及ぶ長いツアーを行い続けてきた。)
Thinking about his demanding workーimproving his body and spirit to tip-top condition and perform about four hours at each live show devoting all his energyーit’s easy to understand that he drew a line even though he’s still 42 years old(turned 43 on July 4). But for the fans who’s been touched by it’s amazing staging and heart-tugging storyline are nothing but disappointed.
But Gackt is not a soft man. He made a strategic move from the start.
Please reread the tour title: “GACKT WORLD TOUR 2016 LAST VISUALIVE 最後期ノ月-LAST MOON- supported by Nestlé.” Gackt fans from all over the world reading this article,rejoice.
He announced that he will go on a WORLD TOUR from 2017. And in addition,he will bring back the show to Japan at the end of the tour naming it “Triumphal Performance.” Details will be released in chase so wait in anticipation.
(でも、彼はそんな柔な漢(男)ではなかった。いや、GACKTは最初から布石を打っていた。今回のツアータイトルを改めて読み返していただきたい。そこには、「GACKT WORLD TOUR 2016 LAST VISUALIVE 最後期ノ月-LAST MOON- supported by Nestlé」と記されている。そう、この記事を読んでいる世界中のGACKTファン、喜んでくれ、彼はこの物語を持って、2017年よりWORLD TOURを行うことを発表した。さらにTOURの最後には、凱旋公演と題し、ふたたび日本でこのツアーを見せることも伝えてくれた。詳細は、追って発表になるだろう。そのときを心待ちにしていてくれ。)
This “LAST VISUALIVE 最期ノ月-LAST MOON-” consists of four acts.
The show carries on with stage play “MOONSAGA-義経秘伝(Yoshitune Mystic)-” series(Gackt wholly produced and played the lead) holding the key position.
Gackt identifies his spirit with Yoshitsune’s way of life,which himself has a strong feeling for,and has been asking the audience through the show(story) what kind of thoughts a human should have deep in the heart.
What did Gackt ask the people through “最後期ノ月-LAST MOON-“?
This time I would like to ask you by telling this story.
(今回の「LAST VISUALIVE 最期ノ月-LAST MOON-」は、全部で四幕の物語として構築されている。舞台劇の軸を担っているのは、GACKT自身が主演と全面プロデュースを行った舞台劇「MOONSAGA-義経秘伝-」シリーズ。GACKT自身も強い思い入れを持っている源義経の生きざまへ、GACKT自身の意志や意識、精神性を重ね合わせ、人の心の根源としてあるべき想いの答えを、この物語を体感した一人一人に問いかけてきた。
GACKTが「最後期ノ月-LAST MOON-」を通して、触れた人たちの心へ何を問いかけたのか。この日の物語を伝えながら、今度は、あなた自身にその答えを問いかけたい。)
A fierce red moon was radiating a dull glow from the stage. As the venue shrouded in darkness,Gackt’s words and poem projected on the red moonー“Why do we repeat the same mistake.” Then Yoshitsune(Gackt) appeared on the giant screen battling,in heavy rain covered in mud,with his army against his brother Yoritomo and his army who’s been trampling down on Yoshitsune faction.
Invaded by Yoritomo’s army,that don’t decrease no matter how hard they battle,his fellows die one after another. And before he knew,the reach of the devil was right there. An arrow shot to the back went through his chest also getting slashed,he stood still on a pile of bodies halfway dead. He slowly walks towards the enemy force one step at a time and stood in front of them more dead than alive. Back then,they were fellows but Yoritomo made a ruthless decision on his brotherーhe growled “Kill him!”
Thousands of arrows shot at Yoshitsune and as rain of arrows showering him,the live starts. A dynamic sound indicated start of “ARROW. “
Gackt sings “ARROW” sonorously expressing Yoshitsune’s feelings. What a dramatic opening. His strong voice sounds like Yoshitsune’s heart crying out.
Next song “花も散ゆ” starts aggressive and gorgeous with increasing dynamism.
Fluttering flower petals on the back screen,Gackt inflamed the audience more strongly.
Graceful music reverberated. Japanese taste medium tempo rock number “RETURNER~闇の終焉~“,a magnificent number that moves your heart as the song carries. At the chorus part,excitement burst out by the roaring sound.
Gackt blazed out from head to foot. He keeps up the aggressive mode inflaming us to burn even more.
Then with the sound of the pouring rain,Gackt singd “暁月夜-DAY BREAKER-” a cappella like speaking his feelings for his fellows. The music gradually grows intense. More importantly,this song sounds like a requiem for his fellows. What a moving song.
GACKTの身体中から炎がたぎり出した。『RIDE OR DIE』でも彼は攻めの姿勢を緩めない。むしろ、もっともっと感情を燃やし尽くせと煽ってきた。
一転、降りしきる雨音を背に、仲間たちへ想いを語るようGACKTはアカペラで『暁月夜-DAY BREAKER-』を歌い出した。次第に激しさを増してゆく楽曲。何よりこの歌は、GACKTが仲間たちへ向けた鎮魂歌にも聞こえていた。なんて、心むせび泣く歌なんだ。)
Act 2 takes place in nine years before the battle. Minamoto no Yoritomo is
successfully dominating the country. Tonight,as always,he’s having a feast enjoying “sake” in ecstasy over the victory. Then a man comes in the scene;his younger brother Minamoto no Yoshitsune. The two who’s been splitting despite that they’re brothers finally stands face-to-face.
The next morning,Yoshitsune states “From now on,I’ll dedicate my life to you,my brother.” Yoritomo sensed thousands of demons and say,”You’re possessed by demons.” Yoshitsune answers “They are my fellows.” Little did they know that this was a signal of the start of the tragedy go underway nine years later.
The next morning,Yoshitsune states “From now on,I’ll dedicate my life to you,my brother.” Yoritomo sensed thousands of demons and say,”You’re possessed by demons.” Yoshitsune answers “They are my fellows.” Little did they know that this was a signal of the start of the tragedy go underway nine years later.
Band members appears on stage performing “泡沫の夢” playing the “shamisen” fiercely with tons of fire blowing up in the back. The melody woke up the demons deep down from the dark side. While the flame blaze out one after another,Gackt shows up with a sword in his hand having army of demons in tow and burst into singing “斬~ZAN~” The performance looks like a ritual.
At the sound of a huge explosion,starts performing “傀儡が如く”
Gackt turning into a marionette,sings and dance like partying at hell with his fellows(demons).
The mood changes. Singing in sorrow,like recalling the golden days Gackt performes “揺藍歌-LULLING-” wrapped in a white world.
Was this song also his sorrow for his fellows…!?
Yoshitsune and Taira no Noritsune appears on screen. Noritsune,almost taking his last breath,Yoshitsune encourages him saying “Live,” and they gently kiss.
The scene shifts all of a sudden. Gackt,watching the previous scenes on the PC at the backstage,is on screen.
It’s time to play games with members of 神威♂楽園「イケメン研究部」
Scenes of playing all kinds of match-up games at each live concert show on screen. This day,under the theme “対マン勝負( One-on-one battle),” 神威楽斗 and 安田大サーカス‘s HIRO fight sumo. Just to let you know that 神威楽斗 pulled off the victory.
The show develops to the enthusiastic Act 3. Members steps on stage to the SE of “U+K UNPLUGGED.” Gackt hits the stage wearing a jacket on his upper half naked well-toned-body. Running into “ONE MORE KISS,” which is perfect for act 3.
With an air of openness,keeping his all-out attack mode,he creates a scene that sways the body throughout the venue.
Gackt strums the guitar then hear audience scream “Gackt!” from all over the venue and Gackt responds “I can’t hear.” This interaction is a familiar scene in his live. After doing that for a while they perform “MIRROR,” a wild rock number with a psychedelic taste. Gackt transforms the venue into a huge party. At the end,Gackt and the audience interacts yelling “YEAH! YEAH!” so many times,
another familiar scene,and heats up all together as he swallows all the fans into the heave of the majestic music.
(舞台は、熱狂を描く第三幕へ突入。『U+K UNPLUGGED』のSEにノセてメンバーがステージに姿を現した。GACKTに至っては鍛え上げられた裸の上半身にジャケットを羽織っての出で立ち。ライブは熱狂描くに相応しい『ONE MORE KISS』へ。開放的ながらも、攻めの姿勢を崩さないステージングを通し、身体揺さぶる風景をGACKTは場内中に描き上げていた。
Gackt had a talk time more than a hour. Answering to the fans quips like having a conversation is so Gackt. Since July 4th is his birthday DJ KOO and TAKUMI(Sound Director) comes out with a huge cake and bouquet as a surprise guest at the end of the talk time.
(ここからは1時間以上に渡るトークコーナーへ。ファンたちの突っ込みへ会話を交わすように言葉を返してゆくのもGACKTらしさ!?。終盤には、7月4日がGACKTの誕生日ということから、巨大なケーキと花束を持って、DJ KOOとTAKUMI(サウンドプロデューサー)がGACKTを祝いにサプライズで登場してくれた。)
The second half of act 3 started with “U+K” where Gackt wearing cat ears and exposing cute faces and gesture. Audience sings along “月の魔法はシャラララ 甘い魔法で囁くから,” then two kid dancers and two cats(animal suit) appeares on stage. Gackt runs around the big stage from side to side creating a bright moment with the pop and charming party song. At the end of the song Gackt cries like a cat “Meow meow” so adorably. 42 years old and has idol ability.
(第三幕の後半は、頭に猫耳を付けたGACKTが可愛らしい表情や仕種も見せた『U+K』からスタート。「月の魔法はシャラララ 甘い魔法で囁くから」、会場中の人たちがGACKTと一緒に歌えば、舞台上には二人のキッズダンサーと二匹の着ぐるみ姿の猫が登場。ポップでチャーミングなパーティソングに合わせ、大きな舞台上を右に左に駆けながら、華やかなライブを描いてくれた。終盤に飛び出した、GACKTの「ニャニャー」の煽り声のなんて可愛らしかったことか。42歳でも十分アイドルとしての要素を備えているところもGACKTクオリティ!?)
In reversal,a “太鼓の達人” kind of game projectes on the big screen.
Gackt and dancers holding the “bachi(drum stick)” in each hands,beats the taikos(drums) that falls down one after another,without looking the screen at all,to the song “舞哈BABY!! -WooHa-(ウーハーベイビー)” The matsuri taste number is so strong and the staging of a masculine image is perfect for Gackt’s live.
At “恋のFRIDAY!!!”,a song portraying a sparkling enthusiasm,Gackt and the audience calls out “濃い 恋 来い“”良い 酔い 宵“”如意 女医 尿意“”パイ π 敗” back and forth,creating an exciting moment together the whole time. As he shouts “I wish we can all be a family,” we definately bonded as a family.
(一転、巨大なスクリーンに「太鼓の達人」風のゲーム映像が映し出された。GACKTとダンサーたちが両手に二本の巨大なバチを携え、『舞哈BABY!! -WooHa-(ウーハーベイビー)』に合わせ、スクリーンを一切見ることなく、次々と落ちてくる太鼓を次々と叩き潰してゆく。祭り風の楽曲も、漢らしい匂いをプンプンさせたステージングも、なんて勇壮でたくましいことか。むさい男臭さを全面に押し出した姿も、GACKTのライブにとても似合う。
華やかな熱狂描いたパーティロックナンバー『恋のFRIDAY!!!』では、GACKTと観客たちが「濃い 恋 来い」「良い 酔い 宵」「如意 女医 尿意」「パイ π 敗」と熱い掛け合いを披露、終始、仲間らと大騒ぎの風景を作りあげていた。最後に叫んだ「みんなファミリーになれるといいなぁ」という言葉通り、しっかりファミリーとして固い絆を得ていたのは間違いない。)
The stage utterly changes and Gackt shot into the white limelight sings “キミだけのボクでいるから” a cappella in the sound of the bustle. The performance transforms into a large scale expression beautifully. Gackt sings through his emotions. This song is going to be released and be the opening theme for animation “TRICKSTER –江戸川乱歩「少年探偵団」より-” which starts from October and Gackt joins as voice actor playing 怪人二十面相(The Fiend with Twenty Faces). It is exciting that a song,expressing Gackt’s emotional swings,will spread over a wide range of people.
With the heartrending piano sound,Gackt sings ballad “P.S.I LOVE U”,like reading the letter showed on the screen,as if confessing his love to the one with the beautiful melody. Are those words for the fellows who lost their lives in the battle!? On the back screen bands of lights gathered and disappeared into the sky.
(舞台は、一変。GACKTが白いスポットに照らされ、雑踏の音響く中、アカペラで『キミだけのボクでいるから』を歌いだした。何時しか演奏は、美しくもスケールあふれた表情へと様変わってゆく。込み上げる感情のままに歌をぶつけてゆくGACKT。この曲は、GACKTが怪人二十面相の声優として出演する10月スタートのアニメ「TRICKSTER -江戸川乱歩「少年探偵団」より-」のオープニングテーマとして流れ、シングルとして発売になることも決定している。GACKT自身の心の揺れが歌声を通して伝わるこの楽曲が、幅広い層へ広がってゆくのはとても楽しみだ。
切々としたピアノの音色に乗せ、スクリーンに映し出された手紙を語るように、GACKTはバラード『P.S.I LOVE U』を歌いだした。愛しい人への想いを告白するように、秘めた胸の内を抑揚を持った歌声と重ね合わせ、麗美な音の調べの上で、GACKTは哀切な想いを告白するように歌いあげていた。その言葉は、戦いで命を落とした大切な仲間たちへの想い!?。背景のスクリーンには、無数の光の帯が寄り添っては、やがて空へと吸い込まれていった。)
Screening all previous “VISUALIVE” reflecting the past,Gackt murmurs “Why do you make the same mistakes” and act 4 opens.
Vision of fellows dying one after another engraves in Yoshitsunne’s(Gackt) eyes. Feeling sorrow and anger,Yoshitsune won’t stop. But an arrow shot in his back pierces through the chest. Gackt falls on is knee and collapse on the ground. And…
A tender white moon reflects on the water surface:it is the moon reflected on Yoshitsune’s sake cup. As he gulped down the sake,his fellows come to him and exchanged cups of sake smiling. They said “Even though we were born on different days,born in different places;we hope to die on the same day,” and convey their gratitude for the fate of meeting Yoshitsune. Feeling their love,he fell asleep in relief.
He awakes in a snowing battlefield littered with dead bodies. Yoshitsune
,shot by thousands of arrows,was feeling he’s on the verge of dying.
As he quietly says “It hurts”,he closed his eyes and head up to the sky where his fellows are waiting.
On stage,there’s Gackt lying down on the chair out of breath with lots of arrows shot in his body. Snow keeps falling on his body,he gathers his strength and sings “雪月花-The end of silence-” Is that voice for his fellows departed far away!? Performers in white shrouds gather around Gackt(Yoshitsune). Surrounded by his fellows,he sings ” 雪月花-The end of silence-” with a gentle smile. By the time he finished he took his last breath quietly…
(舞台上には、身体を貫いた無数の矢を身に受け、息絶え絶えな姿のまま椅子に横たえたGACKTの姿が。次々と雪がその身に降り積もる中、GACKTは最後の力と想いを振り絞りながら『雪月花-The end of silence-』を歌いかけてゆく。その歌声は、先に遠くへ旅立った仲間たちへ向けての言葉!?。GACKTのまわりには白装束に身を包んだ演者たちの姿が。何時しか舞台上には、GACKT(義経)の元へ集った大勢の仲間たちの姿が。沢山の仲間たちに囲まれ、フッと優しい笑みも浮かべながら、GACKTは『雪月花-The end of silence-』を歌いきると同時に、静かに息を引き取った。。。)
A strikingly shining band of light showed on the big screen and thousands of lights gather on it and flew up to the sky as a big light.
A huge red moon was shining bright from the stage. Is that moon the safe refuge for Gackt and the fellows he met through “VISUALIVE”!?
Gackt has been asking repeatedly through “VISUALIVE” series,”Why do we keep fighting??” “Why do we repeat the same mistake.”
Gack constantly created stages that set in a battle at the risk of one’s life.
What is that for?? For pride?? From bloody urge?? For the family,loved ones and friends?? Because it was ordered to do?? Because of an overwhelming mission??
To risk your life to protect the important one?? Who is the one to protect??
I want you to feel it with your own eyes,ears,body and heart.
This whole story might be more developed by the time the WORLD TOUR starts in 2007. I invite all of you to experience this never before live show.
2017年より始まるWORLD TOURを迎える頃には、この物語はさらに進化を遂げているかも知れない。これまでにない体験を、ぜひ、あなた自身も感じていただきたい。)
Text by :Tomonori Nagasawa
Translated by:Seiko Sugimoto
2016.7.3@さいたまスーパーアリーナ(Saitama Super Arena)
M03.RETURNER ~闇の終焉~
M07.斬 ~ZAN~
M09.揺籃歌 -LULLING-
M13.舞哈BABY!! -WooHa- (ウーハーベイビー)
M16. P.S. I LOVE U
M17. 雪月花 -The end of silence-