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【VG】LIVE REPORT |Takui Nakajima’s first nationwide tour in 4 years, “VIVA LA BIG SUNSHINE TOUR” starts from his hometown, Fukuoka!

Takui 1Takui Nakajima released his first new album “BIG SUNSHINE” on December 7, 2022, his first original album as an independent artist. It has been seven years since the previous release.
The following is a live report of the first day of the “VIVA LA BIG SUNSHINE TOUR” at Drum Be-1 in Fukuoka.

Drum Be-1 was already filled with a lively atmosphere before the start of the live. This was the first time in seven years returning to Takui’s hometown Fukuoka for a solo live and, the joy of reuniting with live mates for the first time in years was evident.
Five minutes before the show began, the “Takui call,” which was common before the COVID, echoed through Drum Be-1 as the audience eagerly awaited the start of the show.

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When the “Takui call” reached its climax, the volume of the background music in the venue rose and the supporting members SHINGO (Dr.), NAOKI (Ba), you (Gt), and Takui Nakajima, the star of the show, appeared on stage and kicked off the live with “BIG SUNSHINE”, the title of the new album.

After two songs “UP TO DATE” and “ROCKKIN’PROPOSE,” they continued with the pop and rock’n’roll song “GAMBLUETTE,” which had the audience cheering as loud as Takui thoroughly moved around the stage. The audience was as cheering as Takui, and from the very beginning, stage and floor were united as one. Followed were a succession of songs from new album “BIG SUNSHINE,” including “Kimi no sumu machie(To the Town Where You Live)” and “BAD REPUTATION”.
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With Takui’s wide variety of songs that flowed while they tapped various emotions which was exquisite, one could not help but be drawn in more deeply as the live progressed. The high performance of the band as well as the vividly expressed vocals of each song, realized the high level of perfection of each song as a “live” performance.
Takui Nakajima is a truly fascinating artist whose style can be overwhelming by showing his profound vibrance, while whose specialty is to create unity in the live performance with the audience.

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The first day of the tour ended with 17 songs, including “Calling You” and “Innovator,” which are essential to Takui Nakajima’s live performances, while mixing in old and new songs.
The tour has just begun. Tomorrow(March12), Takui Nakajima will take the stage with a different set list. The tour will continue to 6 cities until next month’s Electric LadyLand (Nagoya) on the 16th. Please come and experience Takui Nakajima’s live performance!

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Please check our LIVE MEMO for further details on the “VIVA LA BIG SUNSHINE TOUR”!

Note: The setlist will not be revealed for this tour.


中島卓偉、4年ぶり全国ツアー『VIVA LA BIG SUNSHINE TOUR』が故郷・福岡からスタート!

昨年12月7日にオリジナルアルバムとしては7年ぶりとなる独立1発目のニューアルバム『BIG SUNSHINE』をリリースした中島卓偉。
そのニューアルバム『BIG SUNSHINE』を引っ提げて行う全国ツアー『VIVA LA BIG SUNSHINE TOUR』の初日となった福岡・Drum Be-1の様子を最速でレポートする。

ライブの開演を控えたDrum Be-1の場内は、賑やかな空気に包まれていた。ワンマンライブとしては7年ぶりに凱旋公演が行われるとあり、ライブ仲間との久しぶりの再会を喜ぶ姿などがあちこちで見受けられ、気持ちが高まっていることがひしひしと伝わってきた。

開演5分前には、コロナ禍前では当たり前であった「卓偉コール」がDrum Be-1にも鳴り響き、開演を待ち侘びる。

「卓偉コール」が最高潮に達した時、場内に流れていたBGMのボリュームが上がり、ステージにはサポートメンバーのSHINGO (Dr)・NAOKI(Ba)・you(Gt)、そして主役の中島卓偉が登場し、ニューアルバムのタイトルでもある『BIG SUNSHINE』で幕を開けた。
「UP TO DATE」、「ROCKKIN’PROPOSE」を続けて聴かせると、ポップでロックンロールな楽曲「ギャンブルーレット」では、ステージを縦横無尽に動き回り、オーディエンスも卓偉に負けないほどの歓声も相まって、Drum Be-1の場内はのっけから一体と化した。その後は「きみの住む街へ」や「BAD REPUTATION」といったニューアルバム『BIG SUNSHINE』収録曲が相次いで披露された。


新旧の楽曲を織り交ぜながら、中島卓偉のライブでは欠かせない「Calling You」や、「イノヴェイター」など全17曲を披露して、ツアー初日の幕は閉じた。

ツアーは始まったばかり。明日はまた違ったセットリストで挑むステージとなる中島卓偉。このツアーは来月16日のElectric LadyLand(愛知)まで全6都市を周る。ぜひ中島卓偉のライブを体感してほしい。