
SchwarzStein 【Vkei-News】Schwarz Stein: Additional one-man in Osaka and Nagoya announced! (with Special guests!)
the third place Additional live schedule for 3-man live 『the third place』 starring Takayuki Tazawa, Yuki Sakurai, and Kaya announced!
Schwarz Stein Oneman LIVE wIncubus Gardenx  ‰ïêFa’JREX  ŠJêF18:30  ŠJ‰‰F19:00   “–“úF4,500‰~iDr‘ã•Êj Solo artist Kaya’s decadence unit Schwarz Stein will release their best album in autumn!
Henmi_1 Kaya ONE MAN TOUR 2017 “Dream after Dream” at Shinjuku ReNY
the third place 【Vkei-News】3-man live “the third place” to be held in August starring talented vocalists Takayuki Tazawa, Yuki Sakurai, and Kaya!
DSC3100_ 【VG】Live Report | On July 13th Kaya celebrated a slightly early birthday and his tenth anniversary as a solo artist under the chandeliers of Shinjuku ReNY.
d0184150_20403670 MV Spot | ROYAL CHESTER Maebashi, Wedding Chapel (Kaya, Acid Black Cherry)