
【Vkei-News】Soan Project announced the release of 3rd Mini Album and One-man tour!

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Soan Project announced the release of their 3rd Mini Album as well as their one-man tour!

『2周年公演を大盛況で終えたSoanプロジェクト、3rd Mini Albumのリリースとワンマンツアー開催が決定!!!』


Soan Project which successfully ended their 2year anniversary and Soan’s birthday celebration 2days, has revealed their new artist photo, and announced the release of their 3rd Mini Album as well as their one-man tour schedule.

プロジェクト始動2周年とSoanのバースデーを記念した2days公演を大盛況で終えたSoanプロジェクトから、新たなアーティスト写真と共に3rd Mini Albumのリリースとそれに伴うワンマン公演、そしてワンマンツアーの日程が発表された。


Both of Soan’s projects will release a Mini Album. Soan Project with Akuta 『動猛成る狂想、動脈に射つ。(Doumou naru kyosou, doumyaku ni utsu)』on Sept 5th, and Soan Project with Temari 『静廉鳴る共奏、静脈に宛がう。(Seiren naru kyosou, jyomyaku ni ategau)』on Sept 19th, 2018.

Those involved in creating the Mini Album are line-up of splendid guest member’s that have been supporting the project from start of this project.

As in the previous works, the title of the two works acts as an opposite, distinguishing the presence of the two projects. Anticipation is high on how both projects, of how their music developed and deepened in their new releases.




Along with the release, one-man for the Mini Album release will be held on Sept 30th at Shinyokohama NEW SIDE BEACH!! For both Soan’s projects (with Akuta/ with Temari), besides the projects anniversary event, it will be a rare co-starring event since the two projects do not usually join the same event. Come experience the world of the two Mini Albums and the projects brings to the stage.

Also, in November and December Soan Project will go on a one-man tour.

Along with the 3 cities (Tokyo,Nagoya,Osaka), check out the new places the project will perform! In November, Soan Project with Akuta will hold a one-man in Sapporo, and in December, ~with Temari in Hakata. Certainly, there will be in-store and out-store events along with the tour so don’t forget to check that as well!


そして、リリースを記念したワンマンが9月30日 新横浜NEW SIDE BEACH!!で行われることも決定。6月1日のプロジェクト始動記念日以外では共演することのなかったwith芥・with手鞠が一堂に会す貴重な公演で、この2作品の楽曲達と各プロジェクトの音世界を体感して欲しい。



Last but definitely not least, M∞Card where you can view and listen to Soan Project’s first MV and other contents, is sold for a limited time at the band booth. The latter half of 2018 will be busy for Soan Project with one-man 3days 【真夏の夜の夢(Manatsu no yoru no yume)】in August, Soan Project hosted Temari’s birthday event on Oct 24th, and so on.

Soan Project continues to develop as they answer to the voices of fans and the music they bring about will definitely grasp the hearts of people more and more!




Text:富岡 美都(Squeeze Spirits/One’s COSMOS)

Translated by VG

Soan Project 3rd Mini Album to be released!

For Soan Project with Akuta to be released on September 5, 2018!
Soanプロジェクトwith芥 3rd Mini Album
全7曲収録 / ¥2,600(tax out) / S.D.R-337

【Recording Musician】
Lyric・Vocal:芥(from Chanty)

For Soan Project with Temari to be released on September 19, 2018!
Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 3rd Mini Album
全6曲収録 / ¥2,600(tax out) / S.D.R-338

【Recording Musician】
Acoustic Guitar:タイゾ(from Kra)
Violin・Viola:Sachi(from 黒色すみれ)


Soan Project 3rd MiniAlbum Release Oneman Tour!
Soanプロジェクト 3rd Mini Album
『静廉鳴る共奏、静脈に宛がう。動猛成る狂想、動脈に射つ。』Release Oneman Tour決定!!

2018.9.30(sun)新横浜NEW SIDE BEACH!!(神奈川県)
open 17:00 / start 17:30
adv¥4,500 / day¥5,000
Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 / Soanプロジェクトwith芥

Soan Project with Akuta 3rd MiniAlbum Release Oneman Tour!
Soanプロジェクトwith芥 3rd Mini Album
『動猛成る狂想、動脈に射つ。』Release Oneman Tour決定!!

2018.11.10(sat)札幌Crazy Monkey(北海道)
open 18:00 / start 18:30
adv¥4,500 / day¥5,000

2018.11.10(sun)札幌Crazy Monkey(北海道)
open 16:30 / start 17:00
adv¥4,500 / day¥5,000

2018.11.24(sat)大阪北堀江club vijon(大阪府)
open 18:00 / start 18:30
adv¥4,500 / day¥5,000

open 17:00 / start 17:30
adv¥4,500 day¥5,000

Soan Project with Temari 3rd MiniAlbum Release Oneman Tour!
Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 3rd Mini Album
『静廉鳴る共奏、静脈に宛がう。』Release Oneman Tour決定!!

2018.12.8(sat)大阪北堀江club vijon(大阪府)
open 18:00 / start 18:30
adv¥4,500 / day¥5,000

open 17:00 / start 17:30
adv¥4,500 day¥5,000

2018.12.15(sat)博多DRUM Legend(福岡県)
open 18:00 / start 18:30
adv¥4,500 / day¥5,000

2018.12.16(sun)博多DRUM Legend(福岡県)
open 17:00 / start 17:30
adv¥4,500 day¥5,000


Soan Project with Akuta 3rd MiniAlbum Release Instore Event!
Soanプロジェクトwith芥 3rd Mini Album『動猛成る狂想、動脈に射つ。』購入者対象インストアイベント決定!!

2018.9.23(sun)13:00- / Like an Edison東京店:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(4shot)
2018.9.23(sun)16:00- / 新宿自主盤倶楽部:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(4shot)
2018.9.23(sun)19:00- / 池袋Brand X:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(4shot)
2018.9.24(mon)12:00- / 高田馬場ZEAL LINK:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(4shot)
2018.9.24(mon)15:00- / litlle HEARTS.新宿店:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(4shot)
2018.9.24(mon)18:00- / 渋谷ZEAL LINK:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(4shot)

Soan Project with Temari 3rd MiniAlbum Release Instore Event!
Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 3rd Mini Album『静廉鳴る共奏、静脈に宛がう。』購入者対象インストアイベント決定!!

2018.10.7(sun)13:00- / little HEARTS.新宿店:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(3shot)
2018.10.7(sun)16:00- / 高田馬場ZEAL LINK:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(3shot)
2018.10.7(sun)19:00- / 池袋Brand X:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(3shot)
2018.10.8(mon)12:00- / Like an Edison東京店:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(3shot)
2018.10.8(mon)15:00- / 新宿自主盤倶楽部:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(3shot)
2018.10.8(mon)18:00- / 渋谷ZEAL LINK:トーク+サイン会+握手会+撮影会(3shot)


Soan Project with Akuta 3rd MiniAlbum Release Outstore Event!
Soanプロジェクトwith芥 3rd Mini Album『動猛成る狂想、動脈に射つ。』Release Oneman Tourアウトストアイベント決定!!

2018.11.10(sat)札幌Crazy Monkey 終演後:(対象店舗)札幌ミュージックショップ音楽処:撮影会(4shot)
2018.11.11(sun)札幌Crazy Monkey 終演後:(対象店舗)札幌ミュージックショップ音楽処:撮影会(4shot)
2018.11.24(sat)大阪北堀江club vijon 終演後:(対象店舗)little HEARTS.大阪店:撮影会(4shot)
2018.11.25(sun)名古屋今池3Star 終演後:(対象店舗)名古屋fiveSTARS:撮影会(4shot)

Soan Project with Temari 3rd MiniAlbum Release Outstore Event!
Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 3rd Mini Album『静廉鳴る共奏、静脈に宛がう。』Release Oneman Tourアウトストアイベント決定!!

2018.12.8(sat)大阪北堀江club vijon 終演後:(対象店舗)Like an Edison大阪店:サイン会+握手会
2018.12.9(sun)名古屋ell.SIZE 終演後:(対象店舗)名古屋ZEAL LINK:サイン会+握手会
2018.12.15(sat)博多DRUM Legend 終演後:(対象店舗)博多SKULL ROSE:サイン会+握手会
2018.12.16(sun)博多DRUM Legend 終演後:(対象店舗)博多SKULL ROSE:サイン会+握手会


【Twitter:Soan official Twitter】

【Blog:Soan official Blog】

