
【Vkei-News】Visual-kei rock band – DIV is disbanding on 10th October 2016 after their final live show at Hibiya Yagai Dai-Ongakudo.

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Visual-kei rock band, DIV has announced on their official website that they are going to disband due to the decision made by Chobi (Ba.) and satoshi (Dr.) to leave the band. DIV’s final live show, titled ‘DIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016 DIVE!!!’ is scheduled for 10th October 2016 (Mon/National Holiday) at Tokyo Hibiya Yagai Dai-Ongakudo.

ヴィジュアル系ロックバンド・DIV(ダイヴ)が、ちょび(Ba.)、satoshiDr.)の脱退に伴い2016年10月10日(月・祝) に開催されるDIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016「DIVE!!!」at日比谷野外大音楽堂公演をもって解散することを、本日オフィシャルサイトで発表した。)

DIV has started their activities since April 2012 with a concept of pursuing the “synergy of rock and digital sound”.

They sold out their first one-man live show, which was held on 6th May 2013, in 3 minutes after the ticket sale. Their second one-man show was also sold out immediately in 60 seconds.

Their first albumZERO ONEhit the No.1 in the Oricon indies album weekly chart and DIV was gaining popularity in the Visual-kei music scene. This unpredictable news was released out of the blue, as they were recently touring vigorously nationwide.



1stアルバム『ZERO ONE』がオリコンインディーズアルバム週間ランキング1位を獲得するなどヴィジュアル系のシーンを中心に人気を集め、最近も全国ツアーを行うなど精力的に活動している中での発表となった。)

On their official website, their record label explained thatThey chose to continue their activities separately in each member’s new way for their future and growth after having many consultations with the members and staffand posted member’s comments.

Vocalist CHISA stated his thoughts for the time they have left asI wish the rest of each of our live shows becomes a start of something precious for each one of you coming to see us, so I will sing at the top of my lungs. He continued with his gratitude for the fans Thank you for being there for our story always, for 4 and half years. My cherished story cannot be described without every one of you.


ヴォーカルのCHISAは「残されたLIVE 11本が誰かにとって何か尊いものの始まりでありますように、精一杯声を枯らします。」と今後の想いを語ると「4年半の僕たちの物語にいつも寄り添っていてくれてありがとう。僕のストーリーはみんななしでは語れないストーリーになりました。」などメンバーそれぞれファンに感謝の気持ちを述べている。)

DIV will be going on a tour ‘DIV oneman tour 2016Ready to DIVE’ in 8 cities, which starts on 13th August at HEAVEN’S ROCK Utsunomiya VJ-2 and ends on 18th September at Umeda AKASO.

Also, the postponed performance in Kumamoto due to the earthquake is scheduled on 2nd September. Their final live show ‘DIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016DIVE!!!’ will be held on 10th October at Hibiya Yagai Dai-Ongakudo and DIV will disband on the day.

今後、DIVは8月13日(土)HEAVEN’S ROCK 宇都宮VJ-2を皮切りに、9月18日(日)梅田 AKASOまで全8カ所で行われるDIV oneman tour 2016「Ready to DIVE」ツアーを開催。

その他、今年の4月に熊本地震の影響により延期となっていた熊本公演の振替公演を92()に行い、その後、10月10日(月・祝) に開催されるDIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016 「DIVE!!!」 at 日比谷野外大音楽堂公演をもって解散する。)

Important information from DIV

We have an important announcement to all fans of  DIV.

DIV will be disbanding on 10th October at DIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016DIVE!!!at Hibiya Yagai Dai-Ongakudo due to the decision made by Chobi (Ba.) and satoshi (Dr.) to leave the band.



この度、DIVは、ちょび(Ba.)、satoshi(Dr.)の脱退に伴い2016年10月10日(月・祝) に開催されるDIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016 DIVE!!! at 日比谷野外大音楽堂公演をもって解散することとなりました。)

DIV has formed and started performing since April 2012; however, they chose to continue separately in each member’s new way for their future and growth after having many consultations with the members and staff.


We sincerely apologise to the fans and all of those concerned for the sudden announcement.

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone for supporting DIV.

Thank you truly from the bottom of our hearts.




‘DIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016DIVE!!!at Hibiya Yagai Dai-Ongakudo’ , scheduled on 10th October 2016, will be the final stage of the four members of DIV. However, we will greatly appreciate your continuous support for future activities of each member.

2016年10月10日(月・祝)に開催されるDIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016 「DIVE!!!」 at 日比谷野外大音楽堂公演が、メンバー4人としての最後のステージとなりますが、今後のメンバーにつきましても、変わらぬ応援とご支援の程、何卒宜しくお願い致します。)

08 August 2016


Danger Crew Records




Members’ Comments

Every time when we were seeking or being demanded how we should be, I admit the fact that it might have built an irreparable distance between us as an artist, not as a person.

The two of us left, did consider prolonging the life of DIV, however, we could not imagine DIV to be any better without four of us, so we made a decision to disband to respect each one of us.

Beginning and Ending are inextricably linked together; beginning something has the same meaning as counting down for the ending.

But something new must always start from the ending.

I wish the rest of each of our live shows becomes a start of something precious for each one of you coming to see us, so I will sing at the top of my lungs.

Thank you for being there for our story always, for 4 and half years. My cherished story cannot be described without every one of you.









 CHISA (Vo))

First of all, I apologise our sudden announcement might have been much to the dismay of you.

I feel terribly sorry that we are unable to continue DIV only with my will.

However, I promise that we will devote our full effort to the rest of live shows and events as DIV.

Yaon will be the last stage I can meet you as Shogo from DIV.

It was still a short period, 4 and half years, but I cannot thank you enough for our fans for sparing your time to listen to our music and come to see us on many occasions.

I am truly thankful for your support.

I am reluctant to be in a sad atmosphere, so I would like to take what I obtained in the last 4 and half years to the next tour and the final show at Yaon.

Let’s make it the hottest night till the end!

Shogo (G)









将吾 (G))

It has been more than 4 years since DIV has started and we have experienced many different things.

Meeting, parting, happy, sad and amazing moments – I appreciate all of our memories that we spent our times with the fans and staff around us.

I was cheered up every time I hear from the fans about how you felt our music and live shows.

Although I wanted to convey my gratitude to you, I can only do it as DIV until 10th October at Yaon.

I might have made you feel sad as I am leaving the band on such short notice. However, four of us from DIV will be proceeding to each way from October, so I would like you to follow our new steps going forward.

There is only a few moments left for us, but I would be delighted if you could enjoy final DIV show with all your might.

Chobi (B)








ちょび (B))

We have made a decision to disband DIV.


The number of days I spent as “DIV satoshi”.

Those days we made many brilliant memories.

I used to say I have not gained anything yet, but now I understand and appreciate the fact that I have already gained various precious things.

I am still pursuing something.

I believe that I can still go forward.

We must be able to see each other if you wish for.

Even if the shape is changed, our thoughts are not going to be changed.

Please hope to see each other again.

I am hoping to see you again on the way I am stepping forward.

You found us in the middle of those piled up dummies shoddily displayed.

What colour am I in your eyes now?

If possible, I would like to be in a vivid colour until our last moment.

With my sincere gratitude for all of the people I have met in the time I spent.

Thank you for everything.

I was so happy to see you.

satoshi (Dr)



DIV satoshi”として僕が過ごした日数です。















satoshi (Dr))

DIV Official Website http://www.div-official.com/

LIVE Information

■DIV oneman tour 2016Ready to DIVE

13/08/2016 (Sat) HEAVEN’S ROCK Utsunomiya VJ-2

14/08/2016 (Sun) Sendai Hook

25/08/2016 (Thu) Kawasaki Serbian Night

26/08/2016 (Fri) HEAVEN’S ROCK Saitama Shintoshin VJ-3

02/09/2016 (Fri) Kumamoto DRUM Be.9 V2 *Rescheduled performance for 「今夜は熱帯夜 (Konya wa nettaiya) tour 20/04/2016

03/09/2016 (Sat) Fukuoka DRUM Be-1

10/09/2016 (Sat) Nagoya E.L.L

11/09/2016 (Sun) DOMe Kashiwa

18/09/2016 (Sun) Umeda AKASO

Ticket: 4,200 (Tax-in, Standing, Beverage fee to be paid at the time of admission)


■DIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016DIVE!!!at Hibiya Yagai Dai-Ongakudo

10/10/2016 (Mon/National Holiday) Hibiya Yagai Dai-Ongakudo

OPEN 16:15 / START 17:00 *The show will go on regardless of weather circumstances

Ticket: 5,000 (Tax-in, Reserved seats)

(Info) Disk Garage: 050-5533-0888


■Ticket Sale via Play Guide

PIA http://w.pia.jp/a/00084821/ 

LAWSON http://l-tike.com/div/ 

e+ http://eplus.jp/div/ 

GT http://www.getticket.jp/g?t=6vj8jq5y *Hibiya Yagai Dai-Ongakudo only


■DIV oneman tour 2016「Ready to DIVE」

2016/8/13(土)HEAVEN’S ROCK 宇都宮VJ-2

2016/8/14(日)仙台 HooK


2016/8/26(金)HEAVEN’S ROCK さいたま新都心VJ-3

2016/9/2(金)熊本 DRUM Be.9 V2 ※「今夜は熱帯夜」tour 4/20振替公演

2016/9/3(土)福岡DRUM Be-1

2016/9/10(土)名古屋 E.L.L.





■DIV ONEMAN LIVE 2016「DIVE!!!」at 日比谷野外大音楽堂


OPEN 16:15 / START 17:00 ※雨天決行





ぴあ http://w.pia.jp/a/00084821/ 

ローソン http://l-tike.com/div/ 

e+ http://eplus.jp/div/ 

GT http://www.getticket.jp/g?t=6vj8jq5y  ※日比谷野外大音楽堂公演のみ)

Translated by Kaoru Nagata