
LIVE REPORT |“Memories of Blue” wyse/LAID Two-man Live

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“Memories of Blue” wyse/LAID Two-man Live


“Memories of Blue”, a two-man live of wyse and LAID, was held at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE on March 3, 2017. More than 15 years have passed since the bands tried to carry out a two-man live, and now wyse has completely returned to the music scene and LAID has been revived for a limited time. Finally, the time for dreams to come true had arrived. During the more than 15 year period, the members have thought of each band, and the bands could reflect on their feelings of each other at last. Eventually, the venue was filled with a warm feeling of love.

2017年3月3日、渋谷duo MUSIC EXCHANGEで行われたwyseとLAIDのツーマンライブ「Memories of Blue」。このバンド同士のツーマンライブが叶わぬまま15年以上の月日が流れ、wyseの復活、そしてLAIDの期間限定復活によりついにこのツーマンライブを叶える時が来た。この長い月日の間、お互いのバンドへの思いを馳せ、その思いをついにぶつけ合うことができたその会場は温かい愛に満ちた空間となった。




The members appeared on the stage as colorful lights flashed after the usual whistle. “Kimishidai”, a dynamic rock tune, began with a bass solo from JUNICHIRO. RYO appealed to the audience by singing with his passionate vocals, while KENJI drew fans in with the delicate echoing sound in the guitar solo. The up-tempo number, “YES”, opened with a bouncy drumming solo from TAKAFUMI. The fans added to the poppy song’s atmosphere by dancing along to the music. Sirens signaled the start for the lively “TRANCE” as RYO put power into his vocals, and for the guitar solo in “LOVE & DESIRE”, KENJI and SHINJI stood face-to-face, happily playing the guitars as if they confirmed the sound with each other.

お決まりのホイッスルが鳴るとカラフルなライトが点滅しメンバー全員が登場。JUNICHIROのベースソロから躍動感あるロックチューン「キミシダイ」でスタート。RYOらしい情熱的な歌い方で会場に訴えかけ、ギターソロではKENJIが繊細な響く音色でファンを惹きつける。そしてTAKAFUMIの軽快なドラムソロから始まったのはアップテンポな「YES」。サビはポップな雰囲気に変わり、ファンは曲に合わせて踊り会場はさらに活気づいていく。サイレンから賑やかに始まった「TRANCE」では、RYOの歌声に力がこもり、「LOVE & DESIRE」のギターソロではKENJIとSHINJIはセンターで向かい合い、お互いの音を確認するかのように幸せそうに弾き上げた。


The atmosphere in the venue was changed to a gentle one in “nowhere”. As RYO sang with his powerfully echoing and soulful vocals, the sweet sound led by SHINJI’s acoustic guitar wrapped the vocals. LAID’s world was colored by the melodious chorus of “Hoshi ni Negai wo”, and the band gave a performance full of smiles with the love song “smile” as if they were each seeking out the love between the members and the fans. It seemed that RYO genuinely enjoyed singing for “butterfly”, the band responding by carrying the enjoyable warm stage presence with smiles until the last tune, “in the sky”.

nowhere」では優しい雰囲気に変わり、RYOは力強く伸びるソウルフルな歌声で歌うと、SHINJIのアコースティックギターを筆頭に優しいサウンドがその歌声を包み込んでいた。「星に願いを」ではメロディアスなサビでLAIDの世界が色づき、「smile」ではメンバーとファンがお互いを求め合うようなラブソングで笑顔いっぱいのステージを披露した。「butterfly」ではRYOは歌うことを心から楽しむように歌い上げ、ラストの「in the sky」まで笑顔いっぱい、楽しく温かいステージを繰り広げた。




The drawn-out opening music raised expectations before the members came on to the green-lit stage one after another. “Shibuya! Let’s have a hot night!” Vocalist Tsukimori shouted and the fans pumped their fists for “Feeling”. Tsukimori and bassist-second vocalist TAKUMA raised the fans’ spirits by singing alternately. For the guitar solo, the busy guitar sound battle between MORI and HIRO boosted the excitement even more. In the intro of “Plastic Monkey”, the crowd responded to the guitars strummed by the twin guitarists with furious headbanging, and then came together by waving their hands to the pop melody in the chorus.

長めのSEで会場の期待を高めていくと緑のライトがステージを照らす中、メンバーが続々と登場。「渋谷!熱い夜にしようぜ!」とヴォーカル月森が叫び始まった「Feeling」でファンは拳をあげ、月森とベーシストでセカンドヴォーカルでもあるTAKUMAが歌で掛け合い、会場のテンションを上げていく。そしてギターソロではMORIとHIROの賑やかなギターサウンドバトルが更なる盛り上がりの後押しをする。「Plastic Monkey」のイントロでは激しいストロボの中、ギターがかき鳴らされるとヘドバンでファンは応戦し、ポップなサビでは曲に合わせ手を振り会場が一体化した。


In the mysterious atmosphere of “Virus ‘Aka to Shiro to Kuro no Teisetsu’”, TAKUMA made his presence known with an impressive bass line, and then, Tsukimori made the new song “Vanilla Sky” more cheerful by his high-toned vocals. For “Yatterannee,” a slightly dark dance tune, the venue atmosphere changed to one more intense as it seemed as if the audience was letting off steam under the furious red lights. The floor was filled with the agitato sound that engulfed the entire audience in the powerful song, “J.E.T.” In “My name is Japanese Breakers.” the inciting guitar solo and the heavy drumming of support drummer Bon added fuel to the headbanging that followed, and the band kept the fans heated up till the last number “BLAST”.

ミステリアスな雰囲気を帯びた「Virus「赤と白と黒の定説」」ではTAKUMAが印象的なベースラインで迫力を与え、新曲「Vanilla Sky」ではポップな曲に月森の高音が曲をより明るくする。少しダークなダンスチューン「やってらんねえ」では赤いライトの中、怒りを訴えるような激しい空間へと変化した。パワフルな楽曲「J.E.T.」では会場は激しいサウンドに満たされ、そのサウンドが会場全体を巻き込んでいく。煽り立てるようなギターソロにサポートドラムBonの激しいドラミングでヘドバンを煽った「My name is Japanese Breakers.」が続き、最後の「BLAST」まで会場を熱くした。


For the encore, all of the members came back to the stage, and “Memories of Blue” which was a sweet message song made by the nine members led by TAKUMA was performed. The harmony created by RYO’s powerful vocals and Tsukimori’s high-tone vocals was valuable because it could not be heard other than the two-man session. As a result of the song containing the power of both bands, there were three vocalists and five guitarists on the stage because TAKUMA both sang and played guitar. The song could not have been completed without their fans at the venue. This was a song and a message which could be only performed and transmitted because of these musicians who have played music in the V-kei scene for a long time. Finally, the two vocalists introduced each other’s band members, and the place was packed with love for each of the bands.

アンコールではメンバー全員が登場し、TAKUMAを中心に9人でこの日のために作ったという優しさあふれるメッセージソング「Memories of Blue」が披露された。RYOの力強い歌声と月森のハイトーンが織り成すハーモニーは他では聴くことのできない貴重な歌声だ。TAKUMAがギターヴォーカルを務めたことによりヴォーカル3人、ギター5本という2バンド全精力が込められた楽曲となった。そしてこの曲は会場にいるファンがいてこそ完成する、そして長くこの業界に生きてきたメンバーたちだからこそ奏でられる楽曲、伝えられるメッセージがそこにはあった。ラストはお互いのバンドメンバーを紹介するヴォーカル2人。お互いのバンドへの愛が溢れる空間であった。


It was announced that the event “Earliest Memories,” which was held in the summer for 2016, will be held at TSUTAYA O-WEST on August 11, 2017 featuring performances by wyse, JURASSIC, CARESS, LAID, and ILLUMINA. Also, a two-man live of wyse and KING led by RYO of LAID will be held at Shibuya REX on May 3. They would show a different scene from the two-man live of LAID and wyse.

この日アナウンスされたのは2016年夏に開催された「Earliest Memories」2017の開催、今回は8月11日TSUTAYA O-WESTにてwyse、JURASSIC、CARESS、LAID、ILLUMINAで開催される。そして5月3日にはLAIDのRYO率いるKINGとwyseのツーマンライブが渋谷REXで行われる。LAIDとwyseのツーマンとはまた違った景色を見せてくれることだろう。


TEXT: Chika Yoshizawa

PHOTO: Official


LAID setlist

  1. Kimishidai (キミシダイ)
  2. YES
  6. nowhere
  7. Hoshi ni Negai wo (星に願いを)
  8. smile
  9. Wild World
  10. Bad Virus
  11. butterfly
  12. in the sky


wyse setlist

  1. Feeling
  2. Plastic Monkey
  3. Virus ‘Aka to Shiro to Kuro no Teisetsu (Virus「赤と白と黒の定説」)
  4. Vision
  5. Mushoku no Yuki (無色の雪)
  6. Vanilla Sky
  7. Air
  8. Yatterannee (やってらんねえ)
  9. Owaranai Yoru no Mermaid (終わらない夜のマーメイド)
  10. J.E.T.
  11. My name is Japanese Breakers.
  12. A≦nd Crash!!
  13. L.A.S.P.U.P. –Unperformed Performer-
  14. Re-Light
  15. BLAST