A nationwide tour 「癒し小屋 (Iyashi goya)」 has started with the live show which was titled as 「蒼の邂逅 (Ao no kaikou)」, commemorating 16th anniversary of Gt. KAZUKI’s death. The first performance in Tokyo was taken place at Akasaka BLITZ on 11th July. The tour has progressed to the second half.
The venue was truly packed to capacity by fans who were waiting for this moment of their comeback and it was proving Raphael’s immortal popularity.
Red and white spotlights started flickering as the bass rhythm thumped out. With the SE『シナゴーグ前奏曲 イ短調~第1楽章~ (Synagogue Prelude A minor~first movement~)』, the members dressed in the white tuxedos appeared and brightened the stage up. They were just like angels descending on to the stage. The audience yelled the band members’ names releasing their feelings of how much they missed Raphael. They must have been waiting for several years or even more than ten years. So their thoughts and voices fulfilled the venue.
The first song『「・・・」~或る季節の鎮魂歌~ (Aru kisetsu no requiem)』’s exotic melody lead the audience to Raphael’s world. The fans must be deeply touched by finding that Vo. YUKI was singing whilst playing KAZUKI’s blue guitar, which was named『月姫 (Tsukihime)』. After the second song『Sacrifice』, YUKI greeted the audience 「It is fully packed, isn’t it. Congratulations to us selling out, thank you.」 This brought a burst of applause.
低音のリズム音が鳴り始めると同時に、赤と白のスポットライトが点滅。SE『シナゴーグ前奏曲 イ短調~第1楽章~』が流れ、全身真っ白いタキシードの衣装を身にまとったメンバー達が現れると、ステージ上がパアッと白く明るく浮かび上がる。まるでステージに天使が舞い降りたようだ。数年振り、中には十数年振りのファンもいたであろうオーディエンスが、待ちわびていた想いを込めて、メンバーの名前を叫びぶつける。その想いが、声が、会場をいっぱいに満たした。
さっそく1曲目『「・・・」~或る季節の鎮魂歌~』。Raphaelの独特な旋律が会場をその世界へと一変させる。『月姫』と名付けられた華月の青いギターを弾きながら歌うVo.YUKIの姿に、嬉しい気持ちになるファンもたくさんいたのではないだろうか。勢いのまま2曲目『Sacrifice』が終わると、「満員ですな。Sold outおめでとう、ありがとう。」と挨拶をするYUKI。会場には拍手が湧いた。)
The supporting members this time were the manipulator Tokky as well as Gt. Sakito (NIGHTMARE). Toki Ayase (as known as Tokky) was continuously supporting Raphael from behind the stage but he was performing altogether with other members on the stage at Akasaka BLITZ.
YUKI introduced the members 「Mp. Tokky, Gt. Sakito, Ba. YUKITO, Dr. HIRO, Vo. YUKI and Gt. KAZUKI – six of us are the members of Raphael today.」
(今回はサポートGt.咲人(ナイトメア)の他に、Raphaelを影から支え続けてきてくれたマニピュレーターのTokkyこと綾瀬 鴇も、赤坂BLITZではステージ上で共にサポートをする形となっていた。
「Mp. Tokky、Gt.咲人、Ba. YUKITO、Dr HIRO、Vo. YUKI、Gt. 華月、この6人編成でやっていきたいと思います。」とメンバー紹介をしたYUKI。)
The next song was『Imitation White』. With the part of YUKITO’s bass solo, the audience put their hands up in the air throughout. Their hand moves were the same as how they used to be and its sense of unity did not give us an idea that it had been years and years since they listened to the song last time. In『promise』, YUKITO was standing back to back with YUKI; it reminded us of the scene where KAZUKI and YUKITO used to play the guitar and the bass back to back in the past on the stage.
(続けて『Imitation White』。YUKITO のソロでオーディエンスは思い思いに手を挙げる。何年も間が空いていたとは思えない当時のままの振り付け、そしてその振り付けの一体感に驚かされる。『promise』ではYUKIに背中合わせに寄り添うYUKITO。それを見て、華月と背中合わせに寄り添いギターとベースを弾いていた当時の姿が蘇った。)
「You know what, I have something I need to ask you everyone」, YUKI brought it up. 「Is there anything different about me since yesterday?」 said humorously and he struck a pose on the platform to make the fans laugh. He soothed everyone’s heart with his unchanged mischievous MC, by trying to touch Sakito’s hip or poking fun at those fans who were wearing classic white makeup; again it recalled their good old days.
When the fifth tune『さくら (Sakura)』began, YUKI was moving around from stage left to stage right and stirring up a feeling of excitement. The audience was jumping up, thrusting their fists and headbanging in response. Once YUKITO, YUKI and Sakito climbed up on the platform and started playing the melody of『花咲く命ある限り (Hana saku inochi aru kagiri)』, the floor turned into a storm of headbanging. After the tune, the stage was suddenly turned blue. Then, under the red spotlight, YUKITO was stroking his bass silently and eerily as if throbbing in constant speed. The audience started waving their fists to the sound of his bass. YUKITO’s sudden shout triggered HIRO’s fierce drumming and the eighth song『人間不信 (Ningen fushin)』launched loudly. Each fan was yelling in own way and the raging headbanging heated up the atmosphere further more.
YUKI showed off his utter talent in singing『症状3.XXX症 (Shoujou 3. XXX shou)』with his rich and magnificent voice. YUKITO’s harmony enhanced YUKI’s vocal. With HIRO’s powerful drums, their consonance touched all those present’s heart deeply. The audience raised their fists as if unleashing their uncontrollable urge.
(『症状3.XXX症』では豊かな歌声で絶対的な歌唱力を披露。YUKITO のハモリが華を添え、それに力強いドラム音が重なると、会場にいる全員の身体を芯から震わせる。湧き上がる衝動を解き放つように、オーディエンスも拳を突き上げた。)
「Bring it on more, Akasaka BLITZ! Take this moment to each of your heart! Never forget us, we are Raphael!」 – said YUKI.
『エルフの憂鬱 (Elf no yuutsu)』was vigorously performed and YUKI’s beautiful operatic voice echoed through the venue.
The second half of the show was in acoustic style – Raphael’s tracks were rearranged and played by YUKITO and Sakito’s acoustic guitars and YUKI’s piano.
YUKI explained that the theme was『Raphael’s further potentiality』and they tried a new form of sound production with making the most of KAZUKI’s melody he left to us. YUKI pointed at the amp between him and Sakito and said 「You should be able to catch the sound of KAZUKI’s guitar.」
『秋風の狂詩曲 (Akikaze no rhapsody)』, which has a taste of 80’s Japanese pops, gave a fresh impression by YUKI’s marvellous piano melody. Then the compelling『症状2.分裂症 (Shoujou 2. Bunretsu shou)』with YUKI’s mellow voice followed. In『lost graduation』, Sakito perfectly replicated KAZUKI’s acoustic guitar solo. They proved that KAZUKI’s melody is still alive and performed in a new shape.
80年代の歌謡曲を思わせる楽曲の『秋風の狂詩曲』も、YUKIの見事なピアノ旋律で、また違った雰囲気となる。続いてしっとりと歌い上げるも、心に力強く響いた『症状2.分裂症』。そして『lost graduation』では咲人のソロが華月を完全再現させる。華月の音色が、今も生き続け、新たな形で表現されたのだった。)
「Acoustic version is special for today only. Musical instruments require to be played from time to time otherwise they get dull. When we came up with the idea to play KAZUKI’s guitar (Tsukihime) in this show, there was no one else whose hands were available other than YUKI (laugh)」 – explained the story of how he made this decision to sing with playing KAZUKI’s guitar.
『eternal wish~届かぬ君へ~ (Todokanu kimi e)』was the first song created with the credit of “YUKI as a composer” and “KAZUKI as a lyricist”. 「This was our starting point. I sing this song for missy you.」– introduced the song and sang for the fans and KAZUKI from the heart. At the acoustic guitar solo in the last part of the song, YUKI was playing KAZUKI’s guitar in harmony with KAZUKI’s guitar melody from the amp. He was looking at the amp and playing as if KAZUKI was there; their collaboration made our eyes filled with tears.
”作曲家のYUKI”、”作詞家の華月”が同時に生まれたきっかけにもなったという『eternal wish~届かぬ君へ~』。「僕らの原点、届かぬ貴方へ送ります。」とオーディエンス、そして華月へ届けられた。ラストのアコギソロの部分では、響き渡る華月のギターメロディーに合わせ、華月の青いギターを弾いてコラボするYUKI。その華月の音色が流れるアンプを見つめ、そこに華月がいる事を思い描きながら弾く姿に、思わず目頭が熱くなった。)
Members reappeared on the stage in their black band T-shirts. YUKITO was romping around on the stage and waggling his vaunty hips to amuse the audience.
When the members stood on their place and became ready to play the next tune, YUKITO instantaneously stopped them and started talking.
The day, 11th July, was YUKI’s birthday.
With YUKITO’s introduction 「Well, he came to see our reunion stage three and half years ago at Zepp Tokyo and we just said a quick hello, so, to be honest we don’t know each other at all! … (laugh)」, unexpectedly Jun Utahiroba (Golden Bomber) stepped onto the stage with a Gachapin-shaped birthday cake; the audience got more warmed up with this surprise-guest.
Utahiroba, who was a big fan of Raphael since early days, said 「I was absolutely nervous today but because YUKITO san divulged the fact that we are not so acquainted with, so that made it much easier for me to pop out to the stage! (laugh) I loved Raphael since I was 14. Can I give you a hug?」 Utahiroba was excited with hugging with YUKI and it made the fans burst into laugh.
Another guest who brought a cake stand was Johnny (Raphael’s manager in the past); he appeared in Gachapin’s body suit with green paint all over his face. When YUKI comically mimicked the candle light with his body, other members started mocking him one after another including Sakito who is famous for his cool ‘prince’ character. Their fan service put a smile in everyone’s face.
「I would like to keep trying at level (age) 35」 – YUKI conveyed his heartful messages to each member in his unique fashion of speaking with some of his favourite episodes.
YUKI thanked again and started crying. He must have gone through many difficulties, ambivalence and conflict but he is here today surrounded by the people celebrating him. The audience gathered his feeling looking at his tearful eyes and tried to cheer him up. YUKI, out of the blue, said 「I’m playing Anpan-man’s theme」 and its hilarious note changed the quiet air to happy atmosphere; this is again his unique personality of warm-heartedness.
「3年半前Zepp Tokyoでの再演ライブを観に来て頂き、中打ちで少しご挨拶したくらいで、ぶっちゃけ僕ら全員ほぼ面識ございません!・・・(笑)」と言うYUKITOの合図と共に、なんとガチャピンを象ったケーキを持ったゴールデンボンバーの歌広場 淳が登場し、そのサプライズゲストに会場は一斉に盛り上がる。
昔からRaphaelの大ファンだったという歌広場。「とても緊張していたんですけど、YUKITOさんがほぼ面識ないって言ってくれたおかげでだいぶ出て来やすくなりました!(笑) 14歳位からラファが好きだった。抱きついてもいいですか?」と言い YUKIと抱き合い興奮する歌広場に、会場は笑いの渦へ。
「We are going to play this perfect song for summer. White Love Story (laugh)」 – humorously introduced this Christmas song as everyone must have expected that it would be the summerly Evergreen. YUKI’s jazzy piano arrangement was innovatively accentuated the original mix. 『タッチ (Touch)』started with its speedy guitar line. YUKI was singing with his hand moves and the audience were headbanging fiercely; the floor was literally rocking hard. Without stopping,『Evergreen』began and the fans were swinging around their towels up high and showing their overwhelming enthusiasm.
「Never ever forget us! I love you all!!」 – YUKI yelled.
The last song of the encore was『夢より素敵な (Yume yori suteki na)』. The audience replicated their hand moves that they used to do in the past and showed the unified ambience. YUKI also sang with the hand moves and it gave us a flashback of his appearance when he was wearing white makeup in his teens. YUKITO was skipping around with his black Rickenbacker and playing right next to HIRO with leaning on each other. HIRO was beating the drums powerfully in stable rhythm. Sakito kept playing Raphael’s guitar line with sincerity. Utahiroba again burst onto the stage in the middle of the tune and cap the show with the pinnacle of excitement.
(「夏にぴったりのこの曲を弾きます。White Love Story(笑)」と言いEvergreenかと思いきやクリスマスソングを披露するフライングで、会場を和ませる。ジャジーなYUKIのピアノアレンジが、また新しく原曲を際立たせた。勢いあるギターラインで『タッチ』へ移り変わり、振りをしながら歌うYUKIに合わせオーディエンスも激しくヘドバンし、文字通り会場全体が激しく揺れる。勢い収まらず『Evergreen』が始まるとタオルを振り回し、湧き上がる感情をぶつける。
「We wanted to perform a supreme live show to make KAZUKI feel jealous of us. I am sure we completed that mission today! Thank you!」, said YUKI.
Tokky left the stage by yelling at the top of his voice 「Thank you!」 and Sakito followed calmly. Now YUKITO, HIRO and YUKI left on the stage.
YUKITO was giving a hug to HIRO, HIRO was lifting YUKITO up; those two were playing around on the stage until the end. HIRO left the stage after bowed deeply to the audience. YUKI stroked the amp which played KAZUKI’s guitar sound today. He also gave a low bow and left the stage. The last one was YUKITO, who united the members to form Raphael. He bowed sincerely with respect for a while and left the stage with wiping tears. The venue resounded continuously with the clapping of the audience even after the members were gone and the stage lights were turned off.
Support Gt. Sakito (NIGHTMARE)
Mp. Tokky (Toki Ayase)
Special Guest: Jun Utahiroba (Golden Bomber)
Raphael Live 2016 「悠久の檜舞台 (Yuukyuu no Hinokibutai)」第壱夜 白中夢 (Dai Ichi ya, Hakuchu-mu) (31 Oct)
Raphael Live 2016「悠久の檜舞台 (Yuukyuu no Hinokibutai)」第弐夜 黒中夢 (Dai Ni ya, Kokuchu-mu) (01 Nov)
31.10.2016 (Mon) 17:30 OPEN /18:30 START
01.11.2016 (Tue) 17:30 OPEN /18:30 START
Zepp Tokyo
1F Standing Advanced Ticket: ¥6,500 (Tax-in, All Standing, Numbered Ticket / Beverage fee to be paid at the time of admission)
★Ticket Sale 13.08.2016 (Sat) AM 10:00~
Kyodo Tokyo 0570-550-799
Ticket PIA 0570-02-9999 [P code: 298-982]
Lawson Ticket 0570-084-003 [L code: 71403]
CN Play Guide 0570-08-9999
Text by Banbi
Translated by Kaoru Nagata