
Psycho le Cému TOUR THE WORLD FINAL TOYOSU XXX WORLD 2016.10.8 @ Toyosu PIT

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Psycho le Cému held their tour final at Toyosu PIT for their 2016 “THE WORLD” tour which started in August. It was last autumn when the band that took the Visual kei scene of the early 2000s by storm came back to the scene once again. Even in the recent multifaceted Visual kei scene, it was obvious that their comeback drew striking attention. In this final at Toyosu PIT, too, many fans rushed in to witness the 3 worlds become one in their final “THE WORLD”.

(今年8月より始まったPsycho le Cému 2016年「THE WORLD」ツアーのファイナルが豊洲PITで行われた。2000年代ビジュアル系シーンに斬新なビジュアルやライブで旋風を巻き起こした彼等が、この世界に再び舞い戻ってきたのは昨年秋の事。ビジュアル系が多様化する中でも、彼等の復活は著しく注目を浴びているのは言うまでもなく、今回の豊洲PITでも多くのファンがかけつけ、THE WORLDが織り成す3つの世界が一つになる瞬間を見届けた。)

As the sound of the clock’s tick-tock resounded in the venue, the sea of colorful lights appeared from the floor luring out the world of Psycho le Cému.

The narration echoed in the venue and when the dance beat SE was played, members appeared on stage one by one starting from drummer YURA-sama to vocalist DAISHI each basked with the member calls from the fervent fans. Each member was attired in costume, YURA-sama as the “Kaito(phantom thief)”prince from the (MYSTERY WORLD), guitarist AYA as an “Oiran” from (Karakuri WORLD), bassist seek as a Punk Monster from PARALLEL WORLD, guitarist Lida as Buddha from (PARALLEL WORLD)and vocalist DAISHI as the Parallel Traveler from (PARALLEL WORLD).  When all five members set foot on stage, cheers from the fans arose as the band’s adventurous live started with “Gekiai Merry-go-round”. The fans mirrored the energetic choreography of Lida and YURA-sama and waved their hands. Dance beats soon turned to Lida’s rap amidst the song, as his guitar solo was also presented. From the start, their presentation was fun for the eyes and ears. Also in the following “AREA”, YURA-sama led the fans with his choreography in the hyped up beat as DAISHI sang following YURAsama’s moves. The other members got closer to the floor as they fired up the audience even more.

(時計の秒針がチクタクと鳴りだした時、Psycho le Cémuワールドへ誘うように徐々にカラフルなライトの海がフロアから姿を現した。

ナレーションが入り、ダンスビートなSEが展開されると、ドラムのYURAさまから、ボーカルDAISHIまで、登場する度にフロアからメンバーコールが沸き起こった。今回のメンバーの衣装はYURAさまがMYSTERY WORLDの怪盗プリンス、ギタリストAYAカラクリWORLDの花魁、ベースのseekPARALLEL WORLDのパンクモンスター、ギタリストLidaPARALLEL WORLDの仏様、そしてボーカルDAISHIPARALLEL WORLDのパラレルトラベラーだ。5人がステージにそろった時、フロアから一気に歓声があがり、1曲目「激愛メリーゴーランド」で彼等の旅という名のライブはスタートした。LidaYURAさまのキレキレの振付に最初からフロアはそれに続き手を動かせる。ダンスビートから、中盤ではLidaのラップとギターソロが披露されたりと、最初から見どころ聴きどころ豊富なナンバーだった。続いた「AREA」でも、テンションを上げさせるビートで、YURAさまがリードして踊り、DAISHIもシンクロさせ振りをしながら歌う。その他楽器隊はステージ前方へ出向き、ファンをより一層盛り上げた。)

“ Ready for more for this tour final!!?” Even as the venue dimmed for a moment, DAISHI wasted no time in fueling the crowd and the band performed their classic “Kronos”, everyone especially appreciating the sound of Lida’s lengthy guitar solo, and seek’s rumbling bass. From the intensity of the drum strike in “ Ginro”, everyone on the floor pumped their fists at once, and as the lights flickered in many directions, from the “Oui! Oui!Oui!Oui!” chase of the stage and floor, a sea of headbanging spread across the floor, making a steaming hot live from start. Then in the next uplifting “ Ai no uta”, DAISHI stepped up to a higher set in the back so that he could gaze across the venue and have everybody listen to the song which he sang very powerfully. After a brief emcee by AYA, they resumed with the upbeat and colorful “ Shunkashuto”. AYA entertained the crowd as he went across the stage, and other members as well were released from their positions and freely used the stage. The upbeat and happy atmosphere continued through “ Kiseki wo shiru bokurawa gosenfu ni saku kibou wo utau”, and in the next “ Kono hoshi ni negaiwo…”, sound from Lida’s guitar intro played in the dim light, DAISHI’s voice soon layered as he sang the introduction. Then, gradually the song flourished as lights brightened up the venue.



As the live came to its midway point, the band left the stage, and Psycho le Cému’s signature theatre started. The five members roamed to find the key to the secret of Kronos and they eventually found out that the secret cannot be known until the 15 members of the 3 worlds get together in one place. This is when total of 15 members appeared all together on stage for the first time, which had the audience in excitement as the stage had more displays full of entertainment ahead.

中盤にきたところで、一旦メンバーが退場し、Psycho le Cému恒例の芝居が始まった。クロノスの謎を解く鍵を探すべく、彷徨うそれぞれの世界の5人が奮闘する。


The live resumed with the 15 Psycho le Cému all-stars on stage, attired in the costumes of the 3 concepts, with the dance tune “BLADE DANCE” from their latest album. The 15 from the 3 worlds all danced in sync as the fans followed suit. Furthermore, the 15 members formed a line in the center as they did the so-called “EXILE” dance, which was the best part of having 15 people on stage!  “Fantastic Fantasy” that followed was a fun number with fans swinging towels to the upbeat melody and as the song had ended storming applause from the audience arose.

(最新のアルバムからのダンスチューン「BLADE DANCE」でライブを3つのコンセプトの衣装を纏ったサイコ・ル・シェイムオールスターズ全15名で再開した。ずらーっと並んだ、3つの世界の15人がシンクロして踊るとそれに追随してフロアも振りをした。更に、15人は真ん中で一列になり、片手を回しながら回る某グループのダンスをするというこの15人集結ならではの醍醐味ではないだろうか。 続いた「Fantastic Fantasy」は、アップビートなメロディでタオルを駆使した楽ナンバーで、場内は曲が終わると拍手の嵐だった。)

After the 2nd emcee had the floor in tears laughing with AYA and Lida’s comedy skit about a wedded pair, the live resumed with a heavy “Nosferato”, and from here on, the live continued with fiery sets. As YURA-sama’s feisty drum paced through, DAISHI fueled up the fans shouting, “ Shake your heads!!” as “LOVE IS DEAD” started and the floor soon evolved into a sea of headbanging. The fans pumped their fists, and from there the fans doubled over as the venue steamed up, the power felt to the back. In the bass solo, seek came forward to show off his rumbling bass that shook the stage, and from it, the spotlight was on AYA where he did his guitar solo. In the next, “Matenro Chaos”, smoke shot up from 4~5 places at the front of the stage, that had the floor in surprise, and as the melodious and head thrashing beat filled the venue, AYA shot water towards the floor with a squirt gun which crazed up the fans even more. After the thunderous, “Oneday” and “2020”, the main set ended with the blistering “ Murder Death Kill –Long ver.-“ which had the members stirring up the crowd from start to end.

(2回目のMCでは、AYALidaの夫婦コントを含む爆笑のMCをはさみ、ヘビィな「ノスフェラトゥ」でライブが再開されると、ここからは畳みかけて激しい曲が続いた。ドスの効いたYURAさまのドラムが疾走する中、DAISHIが「生きてるかー!!!あたま振れーーー!!!」と叫ぶと、「LOVE IS DEAD」が始まりフロアはヘドバンの海へと化した。フロアは拳を突き上げ、そこから折りたたみへと場内を揺さぶる様その熱は後ろまで伝わってきた。ベースソロでは、seekがステージ前まで出向きその雷鳴を会場に響かせ、それに自然と移り行く様にAYAのギターソロにスポットライトがあてられた。続く「摩天楼カオス」ではステージ前方からスモークが4,5か所から吹き上がり、フロアを圧倒しつつ、メロディアス且つ煽り三昧なビートの中、AYAが水鉄砲を持ってフロアに水吹きかけたりと、なんでもありなところがなんとも彼等らしい。激しい「Oneday」と「2020」を経て、最初から最後までメンバーの煽りが絶えないハードなナンバー「Murderer Death Kill -Long ver.-」で本編を締めくくった。)

In the encore, each member showed up one by one in the middle with the cast of characters of the other worlds on both sides and as the 15 appeared gathered on stage the secret to the Kronos that they had been searching for finally had been revealed. As the voice of Kronos conveyed its message saying, “ It is of great happiness to spend the time with fellow fans, and it is something that neither treasure(wealth) nor fame can bring. With that in mind, live side by side with the fans and true happiness will eventually come.”, DAISHI shouted “Let us live together!!” As he delivered the words of intent to the fans, “ Akiramenai DAYS” was played. A song for the restart for Psycho le Cému, it was a bright and encouraging number in which the fans also delivered their happiness to the stage.


As they got back to the original members in “Oedo-tabi glass”, the Japanese-style song had both the stage and floor dancing an unique choreography and when YURA-sama tossed the big round cloth wrapper that he wore as part of his costume in the crowd, numerous colorful balloons were also tossed seeming to feel like being part of a festival. In the next “You&Me”, AYA’s energetic cheer and smile with the pom-poms was impressive, energizing the crowd. Then the following “ Liberty, babies –Long ver.-“, seek took over the stage as his jazzy bass started the song eventually boosting the fans up as they shot their fist up in the air. The bass spiced up the song as AYA and seek headed to the front, firing up the crowd having the venue escalate in heat.

(「大江戸ガラス」で再び5人に戻ると、この和風テイストの曲に独特な振りつけをステージとフロアともに踊ったり、YURAさまの大風呂敷が観客へむけて投げた後にもカラフルなバルーンが次々とフロアに投げ込まれ、まさにフェスに参加している様な感覚だ。続いた「You&Me」ではAYAがポンポンを振りながらキュートなスマイルでエネルギッシュにステージを走り回りフロアを盛り上げていたのが印象的だった。「Liberty, babies -Long ver.-」がseekのジャジィーなベースで始まると一気にテンションはマックスに場内一斉に拳を上げた。ベースのパンチが効いたこの曲でAYAseekが前に出てファンを煽り立て、場内は更に熱気に包まれた。)

Right before the very last song, DAISHI delivered his last message of the day to the fans. “Unlike in my young days where I was just concentrating on the lives that lay ahead, as the band revived, I have been able appreciate and truly enjoy every live and I am very fortunate to come to this day, the tour final. Thank you! Let us live together! And embrace the big dream, the place we aim for! This is the last song, “REMEMBERANCE”.” Right after the intro that DAISHI wove with his clear voice, and as the instruments dived in, strands of silver tape showered over the venue. The venue heated up at once and, as the band and fans savor the live, it seemed this last song has let them one step further to their big dream.



As the live ended, in the messages from the members, they mentioned their “big dream”. In the messages, the words of seek, who was the last to speak were memorable ones. “ We went on hiatus in 2006 at Nakano Sunplaza, and till that time in “REMEMBERANCE”, four of us pretty much always headed to the front of the stage. But today we gathered at YURA-sama’s drum set and the memories of Sunplaza came to mind, and were able to view everybody from the stage. We were in smiles. Our dream to set foot on stage at Budokan has not come true yet, but we are almost there. Let’s get together and keep ourselves strong and have our dream come true!”



From the passionate message in the end, bidding farewell the members left the stage, leaving a surprise for the fans. Lights went down, and a big screen scrolled down, and the lyrics of Psycho le Cému’s new song “Mirai shonen X Mirai shojyo” were projected on screen. Then it announced their one-man at Shinkiba Studio Coast on April 30th,2017 which the fans reacted to with cheers.

This tour final showed Psycho le Cému’s positive approach as they set foot once again on the journey to their dream. For them, they will go on many journeys and as they do so, they will take one step closer to their dream of Budokan and we will definitely continue to witness their journey.


Psycho le Cémuが再び夢に向けての前向きさを感じさせたツアーファイナル。彼等にとってこれから多くの旅に出て、その度に夢の武道館へと歩んでゆく、そんな姿を今後も見届けたい。



1. Gekiai Merry-go-round (激愛メリーゴーランド)


3.Kronos (クロノス)

4.Ginro (銀狼)

5. Ai no uta(愛の唄)

6. Shunkashuto(春夏秋冬)

7. Kiseki wo shiru bokurawa gosenfu ni saku kibou wo utau


8. Kono hoshi ni negaiwo… (この星に願いを・・・)

 Theatre time 〜芝居〜


10. Fantastic Fantasy

11. Nosferato(ノスフェラトゥ)


13. Matenrou Chaos(摩天楼カオス)

14. Oneday

15. 2020

16. Murderer Death Kill -Long ver.-  


EN1. Akiramenai DAYS(あきらめないDAYS

EN2. Oedo-tabi Glass旅ガラス

EN3. You & Me

EN4. Liberty, babies -Long ver.-


Report written & translated by: M.Kawaguchi (VG)

Psycho le Cému Official Website:

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