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【VG】 Live Report | KEEL one-man “UNDER TAKE” Shimokitazawa SHELTER

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After a 9 month break, KEEL held their first live of 2016 on July 16. The tickets for this live sold out in an instant on the day of the ticket release, showing how much fans were looking forward for their comeback.  Curtains opened as KEEL kicked off their start for the latter half of 2016 with their venue-limited single “Ugly duckling,” sold on this day, and many announcements about future shows.

(9か月の沈黙を破り、KEEL2016年最初のライブを716日に行った。本公演チケット発売日にチケット即日完売となり、どれだけのファンがこのバンドの再集結を待ち望んでいたかが伺えた。会場限定シングル「Ugly duckling」もライブ当日より発売され、更にはライブ情報も多々発表されエンジン全開で2016年後半へ向けて動き出したKEEL


An unlikely song for this season, the Christmas classic “Let it Snow,” as their opening SE, the members appeared on stage one by one all in simple black costumes. The calm members lightly bowed as they took to their positions. In contrast to the poised members, fans shouted out the member’s names excitedly and the venue was already steaming hot.

(季節外れのクリスマスソング「Let it Snow」がSEで流れ、黒ずくめのシンプルな衣装でメンバーが次々とステージに登場。


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As the first song, “fanfale” started, fists shot up in the air like storming fire. Fans waved their hands amidst the flickering lights to the paced melody. Induced by the crowd, vocalist ryo riled up the floor. The perfect match of guitarist aie and bassist Shu’s chorus firmed up the song. In the next song, “Needle”, the profound rhythms of drummer Tomoi and Shu had engulfed the venue and the fans once again pumped their fists. After the smooth and melodious “Water lilies” was played, “SWANS,” from the single “Ugly duckling,” was presented for the first time.  As ryo pointed at Shu in attention to him, from start heavy sound accelerated its pace and stimulated by it, fans pumped their fist up in the air. Full speed to the end of the song, they had their first emcee and applause arose from the floor.

(最初の「fanfale」が始まると激しく炎の様にフロアから一斉に拳が舞い上がった。疾走するメロディー、明滅するライトの中、手を休める事なくサビでも手を仰ぐファン。それに応える様にボーカルryoもフロアを煽り、ギターのaieとベースの愁の息のあったコーラスで曲が引き締まる。続く名曲、「ニードル」ではドラムのTomoiと愁のめりはりのある重低音が場内に響き、再びファンは拳を突き上げた。滑らかでメロディアスな「Water lilies」がその後に続くと、当日発売のシングル「Ugly duckling」からの曲、「SWANS」が初披露された。ryoが愁を指すと、最初からペース上げ重厚な音が鳴り、フロアもそれに応える様に腕を上に挙げた。最後まで駆けるペースで曲が終わると、一旦MCに入り、フロアから拍手の音が場内を包んだ。)

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“Long time no see Shimokitazawa! We missed you all !!!”  ryo shouted excitedly, as the fans filled the hall with the members names.  The members also seemed to have been looking forward to this day as they stroked their instruments in return to the calls.


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After ryo emceed that it had been 9 months since their last live in October, and  asked the fans to enjoy KEEL’s first live this year till the end. The live resumed with  “Parade” accompanied by aie’s guitar introduction. ryo’s slight trochaic voice and the instruments blended together as the music wavered in the venue like a swaying candle light. As the dark stage soon was tainted red and melancholy took to the stage, the song gradually ended with aie and Shu’s refraining chorus. In the following “Ella”, from ryo’s a cappella, gradually the sound of the instrument wove in with ryo’s voice as the song grew strong. At the same time, it was intriguingly comfortable and the audience could appreciate the balance of the strong with the slight feel of being lost in melancholy.  The next song, “Taiyou yori atsui natsu,” was overall profound in sound as under the dark red lights ryo’s voice was low and ominous-sounding. Though as the song reached the main melody, the dark dense music seemed to be cast aside by the glimpse of brightness that appeared like the sun.


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As the 2nd emcee started, the band talked about the recording done this April for the single released on this day, followed by some talk about this being their 2nd time performing in Shimokitazawa Shelter. The first time was in September last year when Shu was not able to perform since his other band (Girugamesh, sadly disbanded this July), had a gig in Mexico.

Since Shu was not able to attend that day, he made a video message which was screened at the venue, and this story had the venue in laughter once again.



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When the live was resumed with “Rapunzel”, with the impressive intro of the heavy bass and strumming guitar, the fans hands waved in the air. In “deep sleep” which followed, fans swayed their bodies to the mid-tempo melody. With the constant rhythm-striking drum, and the sound engraving guitar, “ Kajin” unfurled. Once again, many hands shot up towards the stage. Gradually the intensity rose, and in the next number, “LEM”, melodious yet chaotic pacing was presented. “Kokuhaku” followed and Shu’s slapping bass increased the intensity even more.

(再びライブが始まると、ずっしりとしたベースと掻き鳴らされるギターのイントロが印象的な「ラプンツェル」でフロアから無数の手が上がり天を舞い、その後に続いた「deep sleep」ではミディアムテンポのメロディにファンは体を揺らした。コンスタントなリズムを叩くドラムと音を刻むギターで「禍人(かじん)」が繰り広げられて、再びフロアから多くの手がステージに向けて上がった。徐々に激しさのレベルを上げて、次の「LEM」では、メロディアスと混沌が混在した疾走感溢れたナンバーが披露され、それに追いかぶさる様に愁のスラップの効いた「告白」が続いた。)

Amidst the steaming hot member calls from the fervent fans, ryo encouraged the floor further saying, “Give us more of the calls!!”  When the fans gradually became silent, the 3rd emcee of the day started. ryo, representing the band, thanked the audience for the sold out live and announced that the show-limited single would be sold online. Furthermore, ryo said with a smile on his face, “we should have more opportunities to see each other”, and announced they will do more lives this year. The floor erupted with cheers, sending the joy to the stage.

More good news followed with the announcement of an album release in September and December, a 3-band tour in October, and Tokyo, Nagoya, and a  solo tour in December. With ryo firing up the floor to resume the live, the fans still full of excitement with the good news, got into the flow as they entered the last part of the main set.




“Let fire light your life”, said ryo as “Hakka”, a total floor agitating number, started. Under the stinging lights, fists pumped up, and from the stage shouts of “Oui! Oui! Oui! Oui!” started as the fans answered back in repeat. In the next, “Funiku to kajitsu”, the transformation of the sensual vocal was apparent, and with the profound bass and the winding sound of the guitar further made the music erotic and heavy. Before long the venue was a storm of head-banging. From the cutting guitar, “Cracker” started, ryo’s growl filled the venue. On top of that, fans fervently pumped their fists with Tomoi’s thunderous drumming. Amidst the dizzying pace, the main set ended with the paced “Siren”.

(「君たちの命に火を」とryoが呟き始まった「発火」は正にフロアを沸き立てるナンバーだった。点滅するライトの下、一斉に拳が上がり、やがてステージからの「オイ!オイ!オイ!オイ!」コールでフロアがそれに応える様に反復した。 「腐肉と果実」ではエロティックな要素を含んだボーカルの声色の変化が著しく、重厚なベースと渦巻く様なギターの音がより曲の艶っぽさと重みのあるサウンドを引き出し、気が付けば場内はヘドバンの嵐だった。カッティングするギターから「クラッカー」が展開されると、ryoのデスボイスが場内を響かせた。Tomoiの凄まじいドラミングに、ファンは激しく拳を突き上げた。目まぐるしい展開の中、本編の最後を疾走するメロディーが印象的な「Siren」で締めくくった。)

In the encore, the band talked about the goods being sold on the day, and about the tour in October and December. During the talk, they noted that the last day of the solo tour would be held at Shimokitazawa GARDEN on December 26th, be Shu’s birthday.  Shu spoke with enthusiasm, saying that since he is youngest of the band he is willing to support the band with his young spirit. The venue was in a genial mood and the floor was in smiles.




The encore live started ryo commenting before the start of the song, “a song filled with love,” “May your life be always filled with love”. The song was included in the live CD “Float of R’lyeh” released last October. Unlike the other songs, the song was gentle, and the fans quietly listened to the warm uplifting music. In addition, the encore followed with the songs from main set, “SWANS” and ”Needle”, which once again had the venue pick up pace before ending KEEL’s first live of 2016.

(KEELで「愛溢れる曲」とryoが語った、「May your life be always fulfilled with love」でアンコールライブが始まった。昨年10月に発売されたライブCDFloat of R’lyeh」の収録曲だ。今までと打って変わって全てが柔らかく優しい印象で、温かさを纏った音楽にフロアも静かに耳を傾けた。そこからアンコール曲として、本編でも演奏された「SWANS」と「ニードル」で場内を再び盛り上げ、KEEL2016年初ライブは幕を閉じた。)

From the never-ending applause from the audience, the members released their tension and gradually became relaxed. The members thanked the audience and left the stage. From this live, KEEL have started their activities once again. From September, an album will be released and more new songs will be revealed. Expectations are high for KEEL in the months ahead.


Text & Translated by  Maya Kawaguchi

Photo by Reiko Arakawa(zoisite)



ニードル (Needle)

Water lilies


パレード (Parade)


太陽より暑い夏 (Taiyo yori atsui natsu)

ラプンツェル (Rapunzel)

deep sleep





腐肉と果実(Funiku to kajitsu

クラッカー ( Cracker)



May your life be always fulfilled with love


ニードル (Needle)