
【VG】 Live Report | Codomo Dragon 47-Prefecture Oneman Tour『DRINK UP THE HEMLOCK!!』Tour Final 09.08.2016 (Tue) Zepp Diver City

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Codomo Dragon made their dream come true by completing a 47-Prefecture Oneman Tour. The emotional finale of the tour was held on 9th August at Zepp Diver City Tokyo.

夢の47都道府県ワンマンツアーをついに叶えたコドモドラゴン。そのツアーファイナルが、8月9 日Zepp Diver Cityにて行われ、感動のファイナルを果たした。)


The colourful rings worn by the audience were vibrantly sparkling in the darkness of the venue. They were crying out their anticipation of excitement from their hearts. Under the laser light beam, the members appeared on the stage along with the SE. hayato (Vo.) shoutedLet’s get messed up, Tokyo!! (Bang your) head!!and launched the first song (Hone to Kawa toga Hanareru Oto). chamu (Dr.)’s stormy loud drumming instantly turned the floor into a sea of headbanging with the waves of fists. Ok, it’s time to work! Let’s get it done, oi!– following hayato’s unique way of incitement, they ran through with『クロトアカ (Kuro to Aka)and『白濁 (Hakudaku)to give a great boost to the frenzied atmosphere.



Hi Tokyo, how’s everyone doing? Great to see this many people. Well done for coming out on a weekday. Are you guys NEET or something? (laugh) Come on guys, be ‘PARIPI (party people)’ until the last second today!!!– greeted hayato.

「やあ東京、元気かい?集まったなぁおい。よくぞ平日に集まってくれました。ニートかな?笑 最後の1分1秒までパリピって来いよなあ!!!」ーハヤト)


『アリア (Aria)started with the white fog effect and it turned the floor again into the storm of headbanging. The audiences’ cheering voices were echoing even louder than the music. In the next breath they continued to play『毒林檎 (Doku Ringo). hayato stood up on the platform, leading and stirring the mosh movement from right to left; those sparkling rings of the audiences were making shining waves. InWYSIWIS, the crowd was jumping up and down, shaking the floor. Then, the rhythmicalBLACK STARlured the listeners into the world of its unique lyrics. But once『修羅 (Shura)began, it changed the atmosphere again into an aggressive mood.

白いスモークがあしらわれヘドバンが再び巻き起こった『アリア』では、会場の音にも負けないくらいのオーディエンスの声が響く。曲が終わると息づく間も与えず『毒林檎』。お立ち台で上手へ下手へと誘導するハヤトに操られる様に、キラキラ指輪の光が右へ左へと波の様に動くモッシュ。オーディエンスのジャンプで会場が揺らされた『WYSIWIS』、リズミカルな中にも引き込まれていく歌詞の『BLACK STAR』を続けて投下すると、『修羅』ではまた激しく会場を一変させた。)


On this day their stage set had a second level with the staircases in the middle and both sides. As its structure was similar to the set of one of the popular Japanese music TV programme, they were humorously saying that they thought about switching the SE to be the theme music of that programme. In response to that episode the audience started singing the theme music in chorus. It was a heart-warming moment showing the harmonious relationship of Codomo Dragon and Codora (fans of Codomo Dragon).



The show was already halfway through. 『平成マキシマナンバー (Heisei Maxima Number)was performed with an impressive collaboration of yume (G) and kana (G)’s ensemble guitar lines and meN-meN (B)’s melodious bass play. They aroused the enthusiasm of the audience by spotting the laser lights and jetting out the fog machine onto the crowd. Raging headbanging caused a swirl in the venue, however, in『シリアルキラー (Serial Killer), hayato was still provoking the audience byNot enough at all! Should we stop here if you already passed a peak? We are not doing a fancy performance show! You are all prepared for that right!!His words replenished the fans and the fanatical ambience was boosted up to a crescendo.


Well still, Codora sans are so energetic, aren’t you! I’m sorry but WE are having so much fun.– said hayato. His smile made other members and the audience grin and continued to the second half of the show.



『絶望論。(Zetsubouron)made the whole audience sing along「やんなっちゃった、やんなっちゃった~ (Yan nacchatta, yan nacchatta). Then inRAD MUSIC!!, ‘the PARIPI’ uplifting tune, hayato was enjoying dancing, shaking his hips on the platform. Other members were also performing as if they were dancing and meN-meN’s slapping bass solo added a grace onto the tune. In『ゼロアイデンティティー (Zero Identity), hayato was stepping down to the floor to mingle with the audience sayingHey hey come around me!. He was walking around the floor and yelling face to face to each fan. The crowd was doing the ‘folding’ headbanging towards hayato who was climbing up to stand on the centre of the front fence. The chaotic scene was just like a typhoon surrounding hayato.

「やんなっちゃった、やんなっちゃった〜」と会場全体で歌う『絶望論』に続き、ザ・パリピと言わんばかりのアップチューンな『RAD MUSIC!!』ではお立ち台で腰振りダンスで楽しむハヤト。メンバーも踊る様なステージングを披露し、meN-meNのベーススラップソロが華を添えた。『ゼロアイデンティティー』では、「さぁさぁさぁ囲みなさい!」と言いながら突如ステージを降り客席に混ざりだしたハヤト。フロアを歩き回り一人一人面と向かって煽っていく。ど真ん中の柵の上に登り立ち、歌うハヤトを中心に、折りたたみ、ヘドバンの嵐が巻き起こる。まさにハヤトを中心にした巨大な台風が現れたような光景だった。)


Your existence made us compose this song– introducedHEMLOCK. This important song, which led them to realise this long nationwide tour, emotionally draw the show to a close.


In encore, the making of their latest PV was being played on the screen and the announcement of the new release and the next tour was made. They will release their 3rd Full AlbumWOLFMAN(on 09 November) and start the next nationwide oneman tour『狼男は妄想を喰う。(Ookami-otoko wa mousou wo kurau)featuring the album from November.

アンコール中には、最新PVのメイキング映像がスクリーンで流され、3rd Full Album『WOLFMAN』(11/9発売)のリリース、そしてそれに伴う全国ワンマンツアー『狼男は妄想を喰う』(11月スタート)が発表された。)


The members reappeared on the stage and each one of them expressed their feelings toward this tour; how pleased they were to achieve this 47-prefecture oneman tour which they dreamt about, how special and how thankful they felt about the days they spent in this tour and how every show became a profound and memorable experience in their lives.

We have been touring around all 47 prefectures and today is the 48th performance. Not everything was easy. But this band was much tougher than I thought and the members are unbelievably united. Our unity was transmitted to the Codora sans so you guys also showed us your unity. I truly enjoyed the 48 shows we confronted each other with all our might. – said hayato.



Then the aggressive tunes were performed one after another without showing any sign of fatigue. When it came to the last song『チルドレンズドープ (Children’s Dope), 4 members circled the drums and relished the sentiment of the 48th show’s achievement to conclude the show.


After the show, they firmly proclaimed to fill out the venue next time with more audience, although it was already packed to capacity on the day. Codomo Dragon has already started stepping forward after their great achievement. We cannot miss their future activities.


Text by Bambi

Translated by Kaoru Nagata

Set List

01. (Hone to kawa toga hanareru oto)

02. クロトアカ (Kuro to Aka)

03. 白濁 (Hakudaku)

04. アリア (Aria)

05. 毒林檎 (Doku Ringo)



08. 修羅 (Shura)

09. 平成マキシマナンバー (Heisei Maxima Number)



12. 不謹慎が笑う (Fukinshin ga Warau)

13. シリアルキラー (Serial Killer)

14. 絶望論。(Zetsubouron)


16. ゼロアイデンティティー (Zero Identity)




19. Sick?

20. チルドレンズドープ (Children’s Dope)

3rd Full AlbumWOLFMAN

09 November 2016 (Wed) Release

■AtypeLimited EditionCD+DVD

3,500 (Tax-out)

[CD] 11 Tracks


[Enclosed] Entry ticket A+ Application post card for the special bonus

Regular EditionCD

3,000 (Tax-out)

[CD] 11 Tracks Bonus Track

[Enclosed] Entry ticket Bfor the special bonus

Enclosed bonus for all types: 2 Trading cards (10 kinds)

Special bonus for the purchase of all types: 8th Oneman TourWOLFMAN Tour Pamphlet




¥3,500 (税別)





¥3,000 (税別)




※全タイプ購入応募特典:8th Oneman Tour「WOLFMAN」ツアーパンフレット)

Codomo Dragon 8th Oneman Tour『狼男は妄想を喰う。(Ookami-otoko wa mousou wo kurau)

12 November (Sat)TOKYOTakadanobaba AREA


16 November (Wed)SAITAMAHEAVEN’S ROCK Saitama Shintoshin VJ-3

19 November (Sat)CHIBAKashiwa PALOOZA

20 November (Sun)TOCHIGIHEAVEN’S ROCK Utsunomiya VJ-2

22 November (Tue)GUNMATakasaki clubFLEEZ

25 November (Fri)FUKUSHIMAKoriyama club #9

26 November (Sat)MIYAGISendai JUNKBOX

29 November (Tue)IWATEMorioka CLUB CHANGE WAVE

01 December (Thu)AOMORIAomori Quarter

03 December (Sat)HOKKAIDOSapporo DUCE


10 December (Sat)AICHINagoya SPADE BOX

14 December (Wed)HIROSHIMAHiroshima CAVE-BE

16 December (Fri)FUKUOKAFukuoka DRUM Be-1

17 December (Sat)KUMAMOTOKumamoto Be.9 V2

21 December (Wed)KAGAWATakamatsu DIME

23 December (Fri)OKAYAMAOkayama IMAGE

25 December (Sun)SHIZUOKAHamamatsu Madowaku

28 December (Wed)OSAKAUmeda AKASO

-Tour Final-

08 January (Sun)TOKYOZepp Diver City

OPEN / START17:30 / 18:00

Tour final, Osaka and Nagoya 1700 / 1800

Advanced Ticket / Door Ticket¥4,000/ ¥4,500 (Beverage fee to be paid at the time of admission)

※Tour Final 4,800 / 5,300

FC Advanced Ticket Sale

■Entry Period

26 August (Fri)05 September (Mon) 2359

General Ticket Sale

01 October 2016 (Sat) 10:00 Via PLAYGUIDE

コドモドラゴン8th Oneman Tour『狼男は妄想を喰う。』

11月12日(土)【東 京】高田馬場AREA

11月13日(日)【神奈川】F.A.D YOKOHAMA

11月16日(水)【埼 玉】HEAVEN’S ROCK さいたま新都心 VJ-3

11月19日(土)【千 葉】柏PALOOZA

11月20日(日)【栃 木】HEAVEN’S ROCK 宇都宮 VJ-2

11月22日(火)【群 馬】高崎clubFLEEZ

11月25日(金)【福 島】郡山club #9

11月26日(土)【宮 城】仙台JUNKBOX

11月29日(火)【岩 手】盛岡CLUB CHANGE WAVE

12月01日(木)【青 森】青森Quarter


12月06日(火)【新 潟】新潟GOLDENPIGS RED STAGE

12月10日(土)【愛 知】名古屋SPADE BOX

12月14日(水)【広 島】Hiroshima CAVE-BE

12月16日(金)【福 岡】福岡DRUM Be-1

12月17日(土)【熊 本】熊本 Be.9 V2

12月21日(水)【香 川】高松DIME

12月23日(金)【岡 山】岡山IMAGE

12月25日(日)【静 岡】浜松窓枠

12月28日(水)【大 阪】梅田AKASO

-Tour Final-

1月8日(日)【東 京】Zepp Diver City

【OPEN / START】17:30 / 18:00

※ファイナル、大阪、名古屋17:00 / 18:00

【前売/当日】¥4,000/ ¥4,500(D代別)






2016/10/01(土) 10:00~各プレイガイド)

Official Site
