【VG】Live Report | The THIRTEEN 24.06.2016 Akasaka BLITZ Much-anticipated new band, The THIRTEEN, has finally made their first live performance! This first step caused an exciting stir in the music scene!!

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In the shower of white and red flashing light, the members stepped onto the stage with SE『PANDEMIC HAZARD』.

The eagerly awaiting audiences were holding ‘metalic sign’ up high with their hands.

Mao (Vo.) shouted through a loudspeaker in response. As soon as the first tune『cockroach』started off like a crack of thunder, the venue instantaneously turned into a vortex of headbanging. Ryo (Support Drums)’s drumming was rumbling like a pounding heartbeat along with flickers of the stage light. Mao shook his head fiercely with slipping his fur jacket off; the audiences released their spontaneous emotions with putting their heart and soul into headbanging. Without a break, 『CHAINSAW』and 『犯行声明 (Hankou seimei)』ran through stirring a storm of headbanging and shouting.

白と赤のライトが激しく点滅しSEPANDEMIC HAZARDと共にメンバーが登場。




「Glad to see you all, we are The THIRTEEN. Today is the day we are kicking into gear.」, Mao greeted the audiences. Then『Jesus Christ confession』was dropped, at Mao’s instigation「Now that you are here, are you all ready? Bring it on, Tokyo!」 The crowd made the floor move jumping ups and down, Mizuki (Gt.) yelled at the audiences in response. With little time to breathe, the agitato and melodic『PHANTOM PAIN』and『13’s BLOOD』with its dramatic catchy melody aroused the audiences. Mizuki was stepping to the music with his light footsteps; Mao was holding his loudspeaker and showing off his dance moves on the platform. Now kazu (Support Bass) was under the spotlight; his distorted bass sound was giving a pleasant electrifying sensation to everyone who was there. Once 『KAMIKAZE』 struck up, Mao inflamed the crowd by shouting「Are you alive? Tokyo!」and showing his thirst for the air of excitement. In response the audiences also cried out and thrust their fists into the air. Mizuki’s nifty guitar play on its rhythmical melody was impressive and where the whole audiences shout 『KA・MI・KA・ZE BLAST!!』brought a feeling of united atmosphere.

「はじめましてThe THIRTEENです。今日、始動します。」と挨拶。「来たからには覚悟はいいな?かかって来いよ東京!」と煽ると『Jesus Christ confession』を投下。会場はジャンプで揺れ、激しさは増しGt美月もシャウトで煽る。息つく間もなく、激しくもメロディックな曲調の『PHANTOM PAIN』、後半キャッチーなメロディに変わる『13’s BLOOD』で会場全体を更に刺激する。軽快なステップをふむ美月、拡声器を持ちお立ち台で踊る真緒。スポットライトに照らされたkazu(サポートベース)の奏でる歪ませたベース音が全身に浸透し、奮い立たされる。『KAMIKAZE』が始まると「生きてるか東京ー!」まだまだ足りないと叫ぶ煽り倒す真緒に触発されたオーディエンスも、叫んで拳を突き上げる。疾走感のあるギターライン、リズミカルな曲調で、印象的な『KAMIKAZE BLAST!!』とシャウトする部分では会場全体に一体感が生まれた。)


After the song, Mao announced delightedly that「We brought another new song today.」 As it was their first time to perform this new song, he introduced it comically by「We are going to test you to see how adaptable can be.」「The tip is, when the members sing “wow, wow”, all you need to do is just mimicking us by saying “wow, wow”, that’s it, alright?」 Once the new track『LIAR.LIAR.』stroke up, the fans proved it with their moves perfectly in tune each other; it was unbelievable that they listened to this song for the first time. In『FRIDAY NIGHTMARE』, Mao beat out a rhythm with his entire body on the platform; Mizuki played on the Persian carpet in the colourful spotlight and the crowd shook the ground spontaneously along with his tuneful guitar solo. Mao stung the audiences by yelling 「Headbang Tokyo! Rock your head! Let’s get stupid!」 and 『STUPID』made the floor into the magnificent vortex of headbanging again. Mao sang crazily in transformed voices. With the powerful shout of「Stupid! Stupid!」, the audiences also went crazy and violent.

曲が終わると「今日はまた1つ、新しい曲をもってきました。」と真緒。初めて披露するという事で、「お前らの適応能力が試される」「コツはメンバーがwow,wowと歌うんでそれを真似してwow,wow言ってればええねん」と言い、会場の笑いを誘う場面も。新曲『LIAR.LIAR.』が始まると、初めて聞くとは思えない程に息の合う振りに、さすがと関心してしまう。『FRIDAY NIGHTMARE』ではお立ち台で軽快なドラムリズムを全身で表す真緒、ペルシャ絨毯の上でカラフルなライトに照らされながらの美月のギターソロにつられて自然と身体がリズムを刻む。「振れるか東京!頭振れるか!馬鹿になろうぜ!」オーディエンスを煽り『STUPID』で再びヘドバンの渦に一変、声色を使い分けクレイジーに歌う。「Stupid! Stupid!」のイカついシャウトにオーディエンスも暴れ狂う。)

The uplifting and rhythmical『Starry night』more and more spurred the heat of the ambience. When the last song『Abnormal Bullets』began, Mao violently yelled at the audiences 「Tear it down!」 and it turned the venue into a sea of headbanging again. Stood up on the platform, Mao shouted his irresistible impulse to the full extent of his power by thrashing his microphone against his body. The stimulated audiences also insanely raged to headbang and cap the show at the crescendo.

明るくリズミカルな『Starry night』で更にヒートアップし、そしてラストの『Abnormal Bullets』が始まると真緒の『腰ぶっ壊してやろうか!』の声で更なるヘドバンの海が広がる。お立ち台で湧き上がる衝動をシャウトで露わにし、マイクで己の身体をボコボコと殴る音を投下。決して妥協を許さぬ、これでもかという程の煽りに触発されオーディエンスも狂人のごとく、ヘドバンで荒れ狂い、会場は最高潮に達しラストを締めくくった。)


Mao and Mizuki reappeared on the stage in their band T-shirts and expressed their gratitude to all those present;「This is our new step from today. Thank you all for coming here for us.」

「The best way to enjoy The THIRTEEN is everyone to go crazy at our live shows. Anyway! Just go wild and get burnt out with all your might!」- the second time『CHAINSAW』pounced on the audiences and they made a spectacular view of headbanging.

Mao brought his loudspeaker again and performed another new song『Mr. BRAVEMAN』; the fans were stunned by its splendid mixture of pop and loud tune.

The final song was『KILLER MAY』, which began with the gorgeous guitar phrases. By Mao’s yell, 「Can I make our place for you guys again? Can you all be there with us?」, everyone beamed with a smile looking at the cheerful members on the stage.

Once he cued「Go nuts! Mosh it up!」, the audiences, without any sense of fatigue, rushed into moshing. When Mao and Mizuki came to stand side by side in the centre of the stage, the fans also impulsively surged to the centre and extended their arms toward the stage. The show’s finale was the celebration of their new chapter with everyone’s warm smile.


The THIRTEENはライブで暴れてもらうことが一番です。とにかく!全力で暴れて下さい」と本日2回目の『CHAINSAW』で再び会場に襲いかかり、ヘドバンの光景が広がる。拡声器を持ちもう1つの新曲『Mr. BRAVEMAN』を披露。ポップな曲調でありながらも激しさがあり再び会場を圧倒させる。そしてラストは『KILLER MAY』。華やかなギターフレーズから始まるメロディ。「またお前たちに居場所をつくっていいか?そこにお前たちは居てくれるか?」そう問いただす真緒。明るく楽しそうなステージに誰もが笑顔になる。「暴れろ!ぐちゃぐちゃになれ!」の声に、疲れを少しも見せる事なくモッシュを巻き起こす客席はまさに乱れ混ざる。真緒と 美月のふたりがステージセンターで肩を並べると客席も自然とセンターに押し寄せ無数の手を伸ばす。会場は明るく、この新たな門出を祝福する笑顔でいっぱいに満たされたフィナーレとなった。)

After the show, Mizuki earnestly greeted「As this is a new start since we chose to stop once, we mean everything we do is for our future.」

Then Mao gently, emphatically and genuinely vowed「We went through a hard time of starting a new band from scratch; we also experienced adversity, distress and difficulties.

They may continue to fall onto us, but for our promising future, I am sure that advancing to the way that we believe will become a milestone for you, too.

So please do wreak your feelings to us! I want to sympathise our and your pain and sorrow so let’s step into the future together!

We lead the way for you and we definitely make you all to feel positive! Trust us, come along with us!」



Their two hours performance flashed by. They enchanted to be cooler in the first half of the show, but the atmosphere was heated up with jolly in the second half. The members and the audiences in the end built a close knit bond and it was obvious that there was a place they belong.

The THIRTEEN showed off their great first step above and beyond. They have already announced the nationwide tour “SPUNKY LOUD MONSTERS”, which will be held this autumn. We cannot help but look forward to their future activities.


期待通りの、いや期待以上の一歩をこれでもかと見せつけてくれたThe THIRTEEN。早くも夏以降の全国ツアー ”SPUNKY LOUD MONSTERS”も決まっており、今後の活躍に期待をせずにはいられない。)


Vo. Mao

Gt. Mizuki

Support Ba. kazu (ex. Kagerou)

Support Dr. Ryo (ex. Awoi)

Text by: Bambi

Translated by: Kaoru Nagata



1. cockroach


3. 犯行声明

4. Jesus Christ confession


6. 13’s BLOOD


8. LIAR.LIAR.(新曲)



11. starry night

12. Abnormal Bullets



14. Mr.BRAVEMN(新曲)


・9/28 new single release『LIER LIER』

・7/21 Reception Live at Shimokitazawa LIVE HOLIC (with MV shooting)


10/9,10 Sapporo cube garden

10/12 Sendai MACANA

10/20 Saitama HEAVEN’S ROCK Saitama Shintoshin

10/22 Yokohama BAYSIS

10/23 Kashiwa Thumb Up

10/29 Fukuoka DRUM SON

10/30 Hiroshima BACK BEAT

11/5,6 Nagoya ell.FITS ALL

11/12,13 Osaka OSAKAMUSE


11/18 Akasaka BLITZ