
【VG】Live Report | NoGoD [Renovation] TOUR FINAL June 29th@Shinjuku ReNY

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The atmosphere changed at once when their pump-it-up-call heard through the curtain.

The curtain rises and audience longing for the moment gave a round of applause to NoGoD.

Dancho(Vo),holding a mic sandwiched between bibles,started off first song “Vampire.” Air heated up with thunderous head-banging.

While K(Dr) performed dynamic and Shinno(Gt) with stability,Karin(Ba) rose the bass guitar low and tossed his head fiercely while Kyrie(Gt) wildly spun his guitar. Audience reaching out to the stage looked like they’re glorifying God.

Carried on that heat to second song “絶頂マスカレード” all audiences synchronized head-banging.   

Dancho greeted the audience yelling “Tokyo! Welcome to the most powerful [Renovation]!”  They went to 21 places throughout Japan on this tour. Dancho said he himself also renovated,showing off his new hair style and sang third song “STAND UP!!” and fourth song “イピカイエ” without stopping.



聖書に挟まれたマイクを持った団長(Vo)が、さっそく1曲目『VAMPIRE』を始めると会場は一気にヘドバンでぶち上がる。激しく力強いK(Dr)、安定感のあるShinno(Gt)、華凛(Ba)は低くベースを掲げはげしく頭を振りみだし 、Kyrie(Gt)は豪快にギターを回す。ステージに手を伸ばすオーディエンスは、神を崇めるようなそんな姿にも見える。


団長「東京ー!最強の[Renovation]へ、ようこそ!!」と挨拶。全国21ヶ所を回った今ツアー。自身もRenovationしたというニューヘアスタイルを見せつける団長は、さらに3曲目『STAND UP!!』, 4曲目『イピカイエ』と突っ走った。)







At talk time,Dancho mimicked the man in the news with his own black humor. Also chatted about their old memories in Nishi Shinjuku. On his diet,he said he’s loosing weight at a steady pace. He boasted, “Everybody kept saying I’m fat but I’m macho!” and got a laugh.

Shouted “Diet is cardio! Let’s exercise together!” and sang fifth song “ワンダーランド” Dancho and the audience jumped up and down doing the rabbit pose,everybody heated up body and soul. Went straight to sixth song “BANZAI!!!” starting with Kyrie’s guitar solo,Karin’s dynamic bass sound added a sparkle.Everyone did “Banzai sanshou(three cheers in Japanese)”

and the song started. The yellow spot light and the yellow “BANZAI” on the electric board made a vivid contrast with Dancho’s bright red costume. High energy filled the whole venue.







At the middle,performed an instrumental number “時を越えて” and tenth song mellow tune “” changed the mood. Dancho looked at his fans steadily as he sings. His voice,carrying so well,and the passionate guitar phrase made a beautiful harmony reverberating through the venue.

Their new album “Renovate” is filled with NoGoD’s ten years of history.

At another talk time,Dancho said they put in all gratitude in the album for coming this far.

Stood on the soapbox,mimicking a popular commercial screaming “Extreme!”,sang eleventh song “魔法  The inflamed audience sang along.

Kyrie and Shinno fascinated the audience at twelfth song “万黒深層大サァカス” by throwing a twin guitar performance on the stage center. There was a moment the venue was filled with fists and flowers of hands. As the audience sang “La-la-la” and clapped hands all together,music gradually faded. Then they sang along united even more with passion was just very touching.

Twelfth song “最高の世界” started with speedy guitar phrase. Inflaming the audience shouting “It’s not enough!” they kept jumping and head-banging.

Last song was “神風“-carve out a new future,don’t hesitate,wear the wind and keep moving forward because that’s surely the wind of God. NoGoD wishes to be the emotional bridge for someone,finished with a supporting song messaging you guys aren’t alone,we’re always by your side.


二回目のMCでは、NoGoD 10年間の歴史が刻まれた今回のアルバム”Renovate”。ここまで来れた感謝の気持ちをこのアルバムに投入したと語った団長。





Audience kept yelling “NoGoD!” for an encore and members except Danchou appeared on stage. In tune with that the electric board showed “KARIN” in blue. Aha,the day June 20th was Karin’s birthday. Karin holds the mic shouting “Encore!” then he wears a sunglass which popped out of nowhere and sang “Perfect Human.” The surprise boomed the excitement. He ripped off his band t-shirt and showed off is well-toned body and wrapped the song singing “I’m a perfect body” receiving squealing cheers.

Dancho,wearing the band t-shirt as well,appeared and heated up the air even more singing “黒煙.” At “桃源郷へようこそ“,moshed fiercely in all directions,literally rocking the house. After “Carnival” which started with a heavy bass sound,they had another surprise time with a cake and birthday

song and performed “宝物” a song written by Karin. Kyrie played joyfully leaning on Karin. Dancho said “I’ll let you sing today” covering his embarrassment and let Karin sing the last phrase “We’re forever together.”

It was a heart warming moment to feel their love against Karin.

And last song was of course “ノーゴッド.” Can’t finish without this song. Audience moved forward all at once as he sang “What do you believe?Those who believe shall be saved” leaning over to the audience passionately sending the message. Kyrie and Karin created a harmony with their loved-instruments standing face-to-face intimate on the soap box. The venue was filled with heat burning furiously till the very end and the live closed.

「NoGoD-!」のアンコールで団長以外のメンバーが登場。それに合わせ電光掲示板には「KARIN」の青文字が。そう、この日6/20日は華凛の誕生日でもあるのだ。華凛がマイクを持ち「アンコール行くぞー!」と叫ぶと、何処からともなく出てきたサングラスを装着し、なんと「Perfect Human」を熱唱。そんな思わぬサプライズにファンのテンションは急上昇。着ていたバンドTシャツを破き、鍛え抜かれた身体を見せつけると最後は「I’m a perfect body」で締めくくり、黄色い声援を浴びた華凛。



Dancho previously told that he is concerned that there will be mixed reviews on the unique album since it includes demo and unreleased tracks.

But those who witnessed the success of the tour final must have felt something-NoGoD expressing their feelings and the audience receiving it at full power singing along,non-stopping yells for another encore after the first one was with anticipation of their future development. Definitely.

They’re giving a performance in Toronto and Calgary,Canada a few days later this live. Keep an eye on NoGoD.




Text by: Bambi

Translated by:Seiko Sugimoto

Photographer by Hidemi Otsuka

Set list


2. 絶頂マスカレード


4. イピカイエ


5. ワンダーワールド

6. BANZAI!!!

7. キラー・クラウン

8. 方舟

9. 時を越えて



11. 魔法

12. 万黒深層大サァカス

13. 最高の世界

14. 神風


EN1. 黒灰

EN2. 桃原郷へようこそ

EN3. Carnival

EN4. 宝物

EN5. ノーゴッド

Photograhed by Hidemi Otsuka